From the New York Times/CBS poll out Thursday evening: "Would you favor or oppose the government offering everyone a government administered health insurance plan -- something like the Medicare coverage that people 65 and older get -- that … [Read more...]
“The Truth behind The Public Option”
Please tell your friends about this video via Twitter or email the link to them. It'll take about 10 seconds. Please consider doing it pronto. … [Read more...]
MA Progressive Congressional caucus pledge Public Option
The 57 members of the House who signed a letter saying they would not vote for a bill without a public option have added three more to their number -- Robert Wexler, Emanuel Cleaver and Gregorio Sablan. Thanks also to Rep. Raul … [Read more...]
Martha Coakley backs public option at health care rally!
Martha Coakley backed the public option at today's health care rally. She spoke of the suffering caused by the current failures of our health care system with real passion. I think that shows in the photo my husband took, which … [Read more...]
Boston Health Care Rally – Surprise!
The rally was organized by Organizing for America, President Obama's group. I wasn't too excited about going, and at first it was dispiriting. The signs by the organizers said nothing about a Public Option, let alone a robust … [Read more...]
Sen. Kerry, Health Reform, and the Labor Day Rally
While I was waiting in line to get in, I passed out about 30 copies of the Sudbury DTC report "Single-Payer Universal Health Care—An Idea Whose Time Has Come". It was very well received, and I noticed the person in front of me … [Read more...]
Petition to Obama for the the Public Option
Just received this email from Last night, Keith Olbermann led his show talking about the PCCC's latest campaign: "More than 200 former Obama staffers, 13,000 Obama volunteers, 23,000 Obama donors on a petition: A bill … [Read more...]
WELL-CONTROLLED MEETING Congressmen Lynch and Curry College President Quigley did a great job keeping decorum and minimizing shouting or speaking out of turn. Quigley set the tone and the rules of participation. We all recited the … [Read more...]
American retirees move to Mexico – to get healthcare. With poll !!
American retirees moving to Mexico to get healthcare. USA Today article on Retirees moving to Mexico See also: blog by one of those retirees who moved to Mexico for that insurance Mexico for health insurance Why do … [Read more...]
Fear of Communism
Jay at Hub Blog is against the public option, and equates it with single-payer system. From cradle to grave, if you are a crime victim, the police will seek the criminal. Doesn't matter who you are. From cradle to grave, if … [Read more...]