I just read a wonderful book on the devastating effects of education reform in Newark. It helped me put together a long term perspective on these "education reform" efforts, and I wrote the following essay. I hope you find it … [Read more...]
Gabriel Gomez – A Quick Look
There is a marvelous video of FDR during his reelection campaign in 1936. FDR's words are as follows, but you should really watch it because he is so eloquent: "Let me warn you, and let me warn the nation, against the smooth evasion … [Read more...]
The Fiscal Cliff Deal is Only the Beginning
The fiscal cliff deal is only the beginning. When the Republicans want to hold the entire country hostage again in two months, we need to come out swinging. We have a more progressive Congress and an electoral mandate. The … [Read more...]
The Real Scott Brown
The following is a Letter to the Editor I sent to the Sudbury and Wayland Town Criers. To the Editor: Who is the real Scott Brown? In his two years in the senate, Scott Brown has not held one single "Town Hall" meeting where he could … [Read more...]
The following is a letter to the editor I sent to our local newspaper. Scott Brown characterizes himself as a nice, bipartisan fellow. But despite this bipartisan image, Scott Brown has done a lot of damage. Brown often uses the … [Read more...]
Kerry Still Undecided – Please Call
This is a followup to my previous post - My Call to Kerry - Not Reassuring. Drew O'Brien is John Kerry's Staff Director in Massachusetts. He called me this morning and we spoke for nearly an hour. It was a cordial and, I hope, … [Read more...]
My Call to Kerry – Not Reassuring
I was very upset when I read that Kerry, who has been appointed to the "Super Committee" was talking about cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, so I called his office. The results were not reassuring. I told the woman who … [Read more...]
Shame on Kerry
When I pointed out that this was blackmail, the man on the phone agreed and said that Kerry was trying to make the compromise "better". When I pointed out that you can't make the compromise "better" unless you … [Read more...]
Response to the Khazei endorsement
To the Editor: I deeply disagree with your premise in today's editorial endorsing Alan Khazei for Senate, namely that what we need is new ideas. There is no shortage of good ideas on how to cure our nation of what ails it. Most of … [Read more...]
Robust Public Option count in the House
The daily kos (dailykos.com) today is reporting that the House progressive leaders are counting how many members will support the strongest version of the public option - one tied to Medicare rates plus five percent. This kind of … [Read more...]