I was struck by the absolute tone from MyDD's Matt Stoller regarding whether the next President should completely withdraw troops from Iraq, or leave enough for "peacekeeping" and genocide prevention, insofar as either are actually … [Read more...]
Bill Richardson scores an apparent breakthrough in North Korea
Governor Bill Richardson (D-NM) has, somewhat unexpectedly, scored a major concession from North Korea's government. NBC is reporting that Richardson, who is in North Korea on a mission to recover remains of American soldiers killed … [Read more...]
Richardson on Gay Rights
So, stumbled on a video of Governor Richardson - a presidential candidate - speaking at an HRC event. I must say, I'm impressed. I've thought for a while that he had a good shot, but it's the first time I've really considered thinking about … [Read more...]
US Attorney purge: another Karl Rove project?
From AP:The chairman of the New Mexico Republican Party was quoted Saturday as saying he urged presidential adviser Karl Rove and one of his assistants to fire the state's U.S. attorney...."Is anything ever going to happen to that guy?" [NM … [Read more...]
Richardson: “power without diplomacy is blind”
A spiffy quote by Bill Richardson on the Bush administration's total incompetence in the foreign policy area."President Bush doesn't seem to understand that success in foreign policy requires both a strong military and smart diplomacy," … [Read more...]
Surprise! Bill Richardson has charisma
The Democratic National Committee has just wrapped up its winter meeting. The highlight, at least as far as the rest of the world is concerned, is the ten speeches by announced Democratic presidential candidates. They're all … [Read more...]
Basics for Presidential Campaign Discussions (aka Silly Season)
Proposed Guidelines1. Careful with using your personal opinion as a "fact". Always dangerous ground in politics, but your own personal like or dislike of a candidate does not mean that your view is the prevailing view, even if that view is … [Read more...]
I’m really interested in Richardson
Not to borrow too heavily from the right-wing playbook, but let's face it, folks: we actually do live in dangerous times. I'd like the next president to know what he or she is doing, particularly on the foreign policy front. I'd … [Read more...]