Ana Marie Cox (ex- of Wonkette, now has a real job with Time) documents ten gaffes by Our Ex-Guv. They go from merely pandering (Mitt's laughable assertion that he's "been a hunter pretty much my whole life") to the barbaric ("Double … [Read more...]
And speaking of fibbing about Iraq,
Rudy McRomney is still at it.In defending the Iraq war, leading Republican presidential contenders are increasingly echoing words and phrases used by President Bush in the run-up to the war that reinforce the misleading impression that Iraq … [Read more...]
Mitt: Double Gitmo
Good gravy. Is there anything this creature won't say?ROMNEY: said the person is going to be in Guantanamo. I'm glad they're at Guantanamo. I don't want them on our soil. I want them in Guantanamo where they don't get the access to … [Read more...]
Ann Romney Donated to Planned Parenthood
As the AP reported, Mitt and Ann "I'm personally opposed to abortion" Romney donated to Planned Parenthood.Mitt's response?Romney insists that while he took a pro-choice stand until a couple of years ago, he has always personally opposed … [Read more...]
Mitt’s right: Sharpton *is* a bigot.
From Casey, Al Sharpton recently:As for the one Mormon running for office, those that really believe in God will defeat him anyway...Mitt responds:I can only, hearing that statement, wonder if there's not bigotry that still remains in … [Read more...]
Mitt Romney’s bizarre taste in literature
Romney ♥ L. Ron Hubbard??Recently, when asked what his "favorite novel" was, Mitt Romney came up with perhaps the most bizarre choice any candidate for president has ever given to that answer: L. Ron Hubbard's "Battlefield … [Read more...]
Toast: Cooking so slowly …
... it thinks it's still bread. No Jon, I don't think that NH GOP voters are actually impressed by Mitt Romney's transparent pandering. I think they're momentarily bamboozled, or so desperate for a "Conservative" that they'll settle for ol' … [Read more...]
Bogeyman Blues – REDUX
Once again, reality does not favor Willard Romney. You may recall a recent post exploring the inconveniences of having, as his campaign slogan, First, Not France. Inconvenient because: Willard gave himself to France as a youth … [Read more...]
Update: Romney still toast; random Prez musings.
MyDD's Jonathan Singer does a nice chart for us on some recent … [Read more...]
PROGRAM ALERT – “The Mormons” on PBS Monday 9:00 PM
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