Barry Lawton, the Boston schoolteacher running for State Representative in the Fifth Suffolk District (Dorchester/Roxbury), has racked up labor endorsements. Barry has the backing of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO, the Greater Boston Labor … [Read more...]
Henriquez Ready for the 5th Tough Trio
As the youngest of the four Dems seeking the vacant seat at 33, Henriquez says he is "old enough to connect and at the age I can challenge my peers to be civilly active." Listen in as he describes the interplay between his three major … [Read more...]
Sonia Chang-Diaz’s campaign kickoff was a rousing success !
Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz is a newcomers to Beacon Hill who fights for the rights of her constituents and for democracy. Her campaign kickoff today was a grass roots standing room only high energy event! Along with a rousing … [Read more...]
Is the 5th Suffolk District Race Picking Up?
What is going to come of this race. With two opponents in the Primary, it will be interesting to see if Owens (a career candidate) and Cruz(a relative unknown except for the occasional campaign poster you see around) have enough of a … [Read more...]