Cities scale is where real climate change adaptation is taking place, now, whether or not we have national or international agreements on greenhouse gases. Cities and regions have to deal with weather emergencies and, it turns out, … [Read more...]
SouthCoast Towns Completely Unprepared for Sea Level Rise
Here in Massachusetts, climate science denial may be politically toxic, but when it comes to accelerating sea level rise fueled by global warming, some local officials are just as in denial about as their science-denying counterparts in … [Read more...]
5 Ways Climate Changes are Hammering Cape Cod This Summer
How is global warming changing Cape Cod? Sean Gonsalves of the Cape Cod Times lists five ways, concluding: 5) New waterfront property. "Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps" are being released by the Federal Emergency Management … [Read more...]
15 Inches
In Beth Daley's article in The Boston Globe today, "US lags on plans for climate change" that just by it's very title indicates that it's time to think about adapting. We must be in what Al Gore calls, "A time of consequences." … [Read more...]
The Effects of Climate Change and an Inconvenient Truth
I also recently saw the new climate change documentary An Inconvenient Truth. I was really impressed by how well Gore knows his science. He taught some critical concepts in oceanography (thermohaline circulation, sea-ice … [Read more...]