On June 25, the world's largest solar ship, the MS Tûranor PlanetSolar (http://www.planetsolar.org), was docked in Boston and hosted a symposium on water and climate change, "From the Alps to the Atlantic." This 35 meter by 23 meter … [Read more...]
Retiring NE’s Coal and Oil Electric Plants
The Restructuring Roundtable is a mostly monthly (it takes the summer months off) meeting of the energy sector in Boston that takes a morning to discuss energy issues in depth with the major players from all around NE. There is also much … [Read more...]
Free Energy: Solar and Dynamo LED Keychain Lights
Last year, one of the vendors at NESEA's Building Energy conference (http://www.nesea.org/buildingenergy/) gave away a keychain fob, a little two LED hand crank light. This year, another vendor gave away three LED solar keychain lights. A … [Read more...]
Occupy Sandy
http://techpresident.com/news/23062/hurricane-sandy-moves-occupy-wall-street-protest-people-powered-recovery A group of people from the Occupy Wall Street movement is collaborating with the climate change advocacy group 350.org and a new … [Read more...]
Help Push the Green Energy Message Forward
In order to push the green energy message forward, as well as a sound economic message, I am going to vote for Jill Stein for President. Since Massachusetts is strong for President Obama, this would be the state to show electoral support … [Read more...]
The Cambridge, MA Solar Tool
You can now estimate with great detail the solar electric potential of any roof in Cambridge, MA by just typing in an address on a webpage, the Cambridge Solar Tool (http://cambridgema.gov/solar). For instance, the double triple decker … [Read more...]
Massachusetts Clean Energy Economy
The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center has released their 2012 Massachusetts Clean Industry Report (http://www.masscec.com/index.cfm/cdid/13913/pid/11150) There are 4,995 clean energy firms and 71,523 clean energy jobs in the … [Read more...]
Minimal Energy Independence: Solar IS Civil Defense
I've posted this before but it might have more relevance now that over a million people lost power around Washington DC and other emergencies and disasters have put many power lines in jeopardy. Besides, it's a practical exercise in … [Read more...]
Solar IS Civil Defense PSA
Solar IS Civil Defense - what we are all supposed to have on hand in case of emergency - flashlight, cell phone, radio, extra set of batteries - can be powered by a few square inches of solar electric panel. Add a hand crank or bicycle … [Read more...]
Recycled Solar Garden Cloche
Recycled Solar video: http://youtu.be/KTLBsxI-Xl8 Recycled Solar Take the label off a clear plastic 2 liter soda/pop/tonic bottle. Cut the bottom off the bottle. Plant a seed. … [Read more...]