There are many reasons to be suspicious of The Boston Compact's Unified Enrollment plan, not least of which is that a body that "Chief Collaboration Officer" Rachel Weinstein asserts is "not a public organization" (direct quote from last … [Read more...]
Autism’s crisis in care
(Cross-posted from The SAGE Crossing Foundation Blog) Many young adults with autism are more likely to spend their days watching TV and playing video games than participating in life skills or job programs. It's not that these people … [Read more...]
Step 3
I decided that I will not give up the fight as the final decision lies with the elected Boston City Council to approve or reject the Mayor's budget proposal. As for where Tommy would go as of next year, the Boston School Department still … [Read more...]
Good News for a change
The William E. Carter Rain Garden was built by the students of Mass Art to meet two needs - they needed an intensive architecture project - and disabled students who were dropped off in wheel chairs needed to not get drenched during … [Read more...]
Gov. Patrick’s Town Hall Meeting in Arlington – first person report
Tonight Gov Patrick came to Arlington's Town Hall, as the weather was too difficult for the originally-scheduled outdoor meeting using the natural outdoor amphitheater of Robbins Farm Park. More then 100 men all wearing blue and holding … [Read more...]
Jen Benson, Coolest Freshmen State Legislator
Benson has introduced a special education reform bill that works towards identifying administrative efficiencies and cost savings for schools districts, while providing more consistency for special education students with high needs. … [Read more...]
McCain’s Special Education Plan?
Dear Senator McCain, As a Special Education teacher, I was thrilled to hear you repeatedly profess your commitment to Special Education during tonight's debate. However; I must say that I am now a bit confused. I just checked … [Read more...]
Shutting down the school to prison pipeline – what can we do?
Here is the bibliography: School to prison pipeline: NAACP Legal Defense … [Read more...]
New Child Welfare Blog
My mentor,Michael Rich, who was my resource when I first began to do child welfare law, has started a new blog:http://www.michaelri...For those interested in this field, and the most vulnerable among us, I suggest that though new, it IS … [Read more...]