On Wednesday, December 2, I went to DC join over 1,000 supporters for the National Day of Action to lobby for healthcare reform, against Stupak. Traveling alone, and representing Harvard, I had a whirlwind of a day in the capital, joining … [Read more...]
Here Comes the Next Generation of Leaders
So what are we doing here at Harvard for tomorrow's national effort to Stop Stupak? We're hosting a Call Congress event, in order to get as many people, from as many states as possible, to call their Senators and ask them to oppose … [Read more...]
Senate health care bill has an abortion restriction, but not as bad as Stupitts. Who’s in?
SEC. 1303. SPECIAL RULES. (a) SPECIAL RULES RELATING TO COVERAGE OF ABORTION SERVICES.-- VOLUNTARY CHOICE OF COVERAGE OF ABORTION SERVICES.-- 19 (A) IN GENERAL.--Notwithstanding any 20 other provision of this title (or any amendment 21 made … [Read more...]
Harvard Students Stand up to Stupak
As Gina Glantz, Chair of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund and longtime field organizer, gave an introduction and set up the meeting's format, the bodies in the room and the energy buzzing in the air increased. Kim Gandy, former … [Read more...]
We mean it this time: Coakley would DEFINITELY vote “no” on a Stupak’d bill, at any stage
There's been some confusion in recent days over Martha Coakley's position on Stupacky health care bills, in light of her comments to NECN suggesting that maybe she had backed off her "no at every stage" position. Well, Coakley laid all that … [Read more...]