Hillary, and her band of Clintonista's, have embraced the Terry Gilliam film, "Time Bandits", claiming they have the map (and only they have it) that shows Hillary to be "The Most Fabulous Object In The World" Here was Hillary, just a few … [Read more...]
Andrew’s Allegiance
The latest superdelegate shoe drops. Joesph J. Andrew, Chair of the DNC during the Clinton era, has changed his mind in favor of Obama. (It is a long letter, but there are many valuable insights to be gained.) Innuendo is easy. … [Read more...]
What John Edwards said in Cambridge Mass today about his delegates, super delegates & more
First, you can hear the speech yourself and see if my comments are accurate. Go to: http://www.necn.com/Boston/Pol... Edwards stated that HIS delegates are free to vote their conscience, and he will NOT be telling them what to do - … [Read more...]
Brokered Convention
Most Democrats still seem to be in a state of denial about this. To them I say, do the math. Sabutai confirmed the theory here over a month ago with this thesis. After the final primary dust settles, neither Clinton nor … [Read more...]
One more MA superdelegate backs Obama
This just in, from Obama Central! DNC MEMBER MARGARET XIFARAS ENDORSES BARACK OBAMA Massachusetts Superdelegate Cites Obama's organizational strength and success in all parts of the country Chicago, IL - Today, Democratic National … [Read more...]