You know as far as being honest about the role of the Koch brothers in Scott Walker's anti-union efforts, it's been more than somewhat amusing to see the elaborate kabuki dance of denial, self delusion and double talk that has emerged on … [Read more...]
John Boehner: Caught Between a Rock and a Tea Party
Few can forget Minority Leader John Boehner's constant haranguing of President Obama with the question: "Mr. President, where are the jobs?" In fact, in the run up to the 2012 mid-term elections all Boehner and the rest of the Republican … [Read more...]
Scott Walker, Conservative Hero Propped Up By the Koch Brothers
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has been heralded by some as a conservative hero, a man of the grass roots if you will, who is attempting to bring order to the financial woes of the state by crushing the public employee unions. The Governor … [Read more...]
Republican Leaders Again Equivocate on Spending Cuts
Once more since arriving on Capitol Hill, the new Republican dominated House of Representatives and the newly reinforced Republican Senate minority has equivocated on the topic of spending cuts. By now we are all well aware that the … [Read more...]
The Tea Party Agenda: Is It Already Slip Sliding Away ?
As the 112th Congress gets down to business, a major element of the Tea Party agenda, deficit reduction, seems to have already been reduced in scope, now seemingly becoming the object of negotiation and political theater. Having reached the … [Read more...]
A Tea Party Crackup: I’m Not A Witch, I’ve Just Got Sticky Fingers”
Take a moment from your busy holiday season to consider the following fact: As the new class of Tea Party backed legislators prepares to head off to Washington for the 112th Congress, the movement is once again besmirched by one of it's … [Read more...]
The Latest Tea Party Crackup: I’m Not A Witch, I’ve Just Got Sticky Fingers”
Take a moment from your busy holiday season to consider the following fact: As the new class of Tea Party backed legislators prepares to head off to Washington for the 112th Congress, the movement is once again besmirched by one of it's … [Read more...]
Christmas Comes Early to Tea Party Reformers
Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't fiscal responsibility a mainstay position of those Tea Party backed candidates that ran for office in 2010? Moreover, weren't those same Tea Party backed candidates who won in 2010 supposed to go to … [Read more...]
Tea Party Leader: Voting Restrictions Would Be A Good Idea
Well, if this isn't stupidity on stilts what is? Tea Party Nation President Judson Phillips has gone so far as to suggest that it could be a good idea if the right to vote in America were once again restricted to the owners of property. To … [Read more...]
The Absurdity of Anti-Progressive Blather!
For the better part of post 2008 election period, we have been deluged with an almost non-stop rant about the failures of "progressive" ideas in America. Some have been so bold, or naive if you will, to suggest that the rise of the Tea … [Read more...]