So Reps. Delahunt and Lynch (hopefully Rep. Tierney has come to his senses) if you still plan to vote no and the bill fails, lets hope that all the economists and financial brainiacs are wrong about the expected financial devastation. … [Read more...]
Tierney, Markey, Tsongas: Stand and Count !!!!!
DNC brain trust will be meeting very soon in DC to slice and dice the Florida vote...reports hint that they will seat only half the delegates or divide the delegates evenly between the candidates. Neither option is acceptable or consistent … [Read more...]
Tierney endorses Patrick
US Rep. John Tierney of the North Shore endorsed Deval Patrick -- interesting to note his stated reasons:``He's done a great job on the grass roots, and I think that's where the Democratic Party gets its strength," Tierney said in an … [Read more...]