I took a break to enjoy the holiday, as I’m sure many of you did, but my inbox kept busy, and on Friday came a doozy, courtesy of the Washington Post. You remember that little bit of a banking crisis we had a couple of years back, where … [Read more...]
Regulatory capture on parade
Matt Taibbi has a Rolling Stone article describing how the Securities and Exchange Commission has been destroying evidence from its investigations for almost 20 years. Under a deal the SEC worked out with the National Archives and Records … [Read more...]
Why voting out incumbents has become more and more popular -w/poll
Our banks are sitting on a trillion+ dollars but demanding 18% returns and so investing overseas, not in American businesses. Great for the stockmarket - but not for workers. And WE bailed these bloodsucking Plutocratic Neobarons … [Read more...]
Watch Karl Rove Boast
Huh?? “Asia Rises on Hopes of More Fed Support”
The most befuddling thing is happening in the global markets. It seems foreign markets are excited about poor job numbers in the U.S. because that may cause the Fed to print more free money. From CNBC.com Asia Rises on Hopes of More … [Read more...]
Sen. Scott Brown: Wall Street, Main Street … or State Street?
Wow, real man-of-the-people we elected here. Senate staffers tonight are hammering out the shape of the so-called Volcker rule, which would limit insured financial firms' ability to take speculative bets with their capital, or … [Read more...]
Wall Street – from their perspective.
It is interesting to listen to the talk on Wall Street, and the way they feel put upon by government and society. They think Tim Geithner is "solid" and the good guy. They spin tax numbers to make it seem like they are going to … [Read more...]
Big Corporations trying to get a piece of the small business jobs bill.
Reid Spars With CEOs, Walks Out Of Meeting Corporate America descended on Capitol Hill Wednesday morning hoping to ride the small business gravy train that's been gaining steam. Instead, they caught an earful from Senate Majority Leader … [Read more...]
When fraud is accepted as a means to an end
Wall Street -- the crooks that control our country. Frontline / The Warning Leaders of the fraud PAC: Greenspan - Summers - Rubin - Levitt - Geithner makes you wonder what the hell some of these people are doing in influential … [Read more...]
Wall Street is whining and threatening.
Of course they are going to say that Obama's proposal to place limits on risk taking will ruin the economy. Don't believe it for a second. It's a lie. By limiting risk taking, Wall Street will have to go back to the old … [Read more...]