So we see the liberal warhawk join the conservative warhawk in vociferous attack against the dove. The plumage of both hawks look the same to me. Anyone feel as if they've awakened in a Monty Python script? (We see Edinburgh … [Read more...]
An anniversary passed without notice.
Yesterday was the 35th anniversary of the fall of Saigon. The French first, then the Americans poured much blood and treasure to keep control of the little country of Vietnam. War raged from 1945 to 1975 in one form or … [Read more...]
The Big Fool Said to Push On
I hear echoes of Pete Seeger in admonitions and exhortations from our leaders on the issues of our time: "Sergeant, don't be a Nervous Nellie," The Captain said to him. "All we need is a little determination; Men, follow me, I'll lead … [Read more...]
Hedges + Gravel skewer Obama on military
WARNING: not for the faint-hearted. New and blunt from Chris Hedges, talking with Mike Gravel. This column is to Obama's military strategy as Taibbi's Rolling Stone piece is to Obama's financial strategy."The first time I met him I felt … [Read more...]
Malalai Joya in Boston
Malalai Joya, now 31, was the youngest ever woman elected to the Afghan Parliament in 2005 and is an outspoken critic of the Karzai government and NATO occupation. Press Pass TV caught up with Joya and supporters at an event hosted in … [Read more...]
Musical Diplomacy: A Concert and Discussion on Rights and Responsibilities
A group of New England Conservatory students have put together a concert and panel discussion focusing on the relationship between music and current political issues, or more specifically, human rights violations in wartime. The concert … [Read more...]
“You Were Wrong”
WAR in Georgia: Ossetia and the tragedy in Beslan at School No.1 – and 9/11
Just talking about some columnist being an "empty talking head" does nothing to diminish the danger in what is going on now in Ossetia. Like World War I, what is happening in the Caucusus could cause an erratic, unstoppable forward … [Read more...]
Cheap omniscence
Good gravy. It's been Robert Kagan on the radio all day. I traced back from Robert Siegel's breathless interview with him on ATC this afternoon to actually read Kagan's column on Georgia. Does Robert Siegel really find this … [Read more...]
The Non-Denial Denial
Earlier I posted on a report in the Jerusalem Post suggesting that the President and Vice President were in favor of an attack on Iran before the end of the Bush Administration. As I noted in the update, the White House has "denied" the … [Read more...]