I was just wondering - given that so much of the liberal objection to Iraq is wrapped up in the fact that there were no WMD found, and given that Iran is by all accounts actively pursuing the big daddy of WMD, nuclear weapons...Does this … [Read more...]
Israelis/US Army War College: War was a botch
Seems like the Give War A Chance strategy didn't work out so well:Scathing indictments of the way the Israeli government and its military have conducted the longest war in the nation's history filled the country's newspapers and airwaves … [Read more...]
Dunkelbarger calls for immediate cease-fire
Someone is standing against the "Give War A Chance" strategy of the Bush Administration in the Middle East: Democrat Phil Dunkelbarger, who is running against US Rep. Steven Lynch in the MA 9th Congressional District:The U.S. should insist … [Read more...]
Continuing the Israel/Hezbollah/Lebanon war is bad business
While Congress marches in lockstep with our administration's "Give War A Chance" logic, let's just do a round-up of opinion:Terrorism expert Jessica Stern of the Kennedy School says it feeds the fad of jihad:Those who attack others, even in … [Read more...]
Show the bodies
Now, after I'm done criticizing him, I think John Aravosis brings up a really critical point:Does the edited and sanitized coverage of news by American media give us a warped view of war? Would Americans react differently if we saw "graphic … [Read more...]
Michael Klare to Speak at WCES Annual Meeting and Pot-Luck Dinner
You're invited to join Watertown Citizens for Environmental Safety at our Annual Meeting and Potluck Dinner, Sunday, May 21, at St. John's United Methodist Church, 80 Mt. Auburn Street, Watertown. Here's the program:5:30 PM - Potluck … [Read more...]