Once again, voters have rejected new local restrictions on wind turbines. The latest landslide in favor of clean energy came at Saturday's Plymouth Town Meeting: If approved, this article would have limited the construction of wind … [Read more...]
Air Pollution Now Officially a Carcinogen, But Some Towns Still Fighting Clean Energy
As the World Health Organization declares definitively that air pollution causes cancer, the Massachusetts town of Shelburne has declared the real threat to the public is looking at wind turbines. Shelburne is just a few miles up the … [Read more...]
Big New England Wind Contract Much Cheaper Than Coal, Nuclear
What if the debate about Environmental Protection Agency limits on climate-disrupting carbon pollution was all hot air? What if the falling cost of clean energy has already planted a stake in coal's polluting heart? As Erin Ailsworth of … [Read more...]
Plymouth Zoning Board Ignores Law, Blocks Wind Turbine
If you're going to deny a local business the right to do what it wants on its own property, shouldn't you have an actual reason? Not according to the Plymouth Zoning Board, which rejected a local Stop & Shop's request to build a wind … [Read more...]
Another Big Win for Wind in Local Elections
For the third time in the last six months, southeastern Massachusetts voters delivered a major victory for clean energy yesterday. Wind turbine supporter Peter DeTerra won in a landslide over wind opponent John Wethington in the Fairhaven … [Read more...]
New Study: No Evidence Wind Turbines Affect Home Values
Wind turbine opponents do not like looking at wind turbines. But in the face of strong public support for non-polluting, locally-produced clean energy, that's not an effective argument, so they make outrageous claims about health impacts … [Read more...]
BOEM Holds MA/RI Offshore Wind Lease Sale (Update: We Have a Winner!)
UPDATE 7:26pm: Congrats to Deepwater Wind, winner of both leases! It's a big day for offshore wind far off the coasts of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is holding offshore wind lease … [Read more...]
Bending to Wind Hypochondriacs Brings Fairhaven’s Democracy to Breaking Point
There's a new victim of Fairhaven's elected officials since their decision to let wind hypochondriacs call the shots: Democracy. As those officials have felt more heat from ordinary clean energy-supporting citizens, they've started abusing … [Read more...]
Billionaire Polluting Kochs: Disclosure Is For The Little People
Billionaire polluting energy kingpins the Koch brothers have taken to personally attacking journalists who report on their shady dealings, according to the Washington Post's Paul Farhi. But as the Better Future Project pointed out this … [Read more...]
Cape Wind Opponents Rotate in New Puppet Spokesman
Cape Wind's big money opponents like to change up the names of their front groups and the names of their spokespeople pretty regularly. By refusing to admit funding sources, they can usually sucker a few news outlets into taking the front … [Read more...]