In many ways, "netroots" really is confrontational and does hold politicians accountable. In the 1960's and 70's large numbers of people just showing up for a demonstration was a statement. At YKOS more than 1,500 people showed … [Read more...]
I love Jon Keller because he always knows how to press my buttons, God bless 'im ... First, I'm sure YearlyKos attendees David and Bob would be amused to hear themselves called "The ideologues who flock to the most polarizing, … [Read more...]
MSM gets YearlyKos basically right
I haven't got time today to do a Yearly Kos wrap-up; I'll try to get to it in the next couple of days. In the meantime, though, you can read two actually quite good articles by our mainstream media friends. Here's the NYT's Jeff … [Read more...]
Liveblogging Bill Richardson’s breakout session
Richardson: Regret that we didn't talk about global warming, or education. I hope you'll ask me about that.Iraq is not just an Iraqi solution, it's a middle eastern solution -- involves Syria, Iran. I know that if we had talked … [Read more...]
David’s liveblog of the Yearly Kos presidential candidate forum
First: it's Barack birthday. The crowd has just sung Happy Birthday.Three segments: domestic; foreign; philosophy.First question to Richardson. Your model Supreme Court Justice was White, even though White dissented in Roe and … [Read more...]
David’s liveblog of Hillary’s breakout session
Her intro: thank you for what you're doing. You are the counterweight to the right-wing noise machine. You give a lot of support to the progressive agenda of the Democratic party. Wish we had you 15 years ago -- there's … [Read more...]