I’ll start by pointing to Sue Kennedy’s excellent April 13 BMG post describing Kate and inviting people to the event (which Sue coordinated). In the comments, you’ll also see a list of guests as well as a good chunk of the elected officials who were present.
Very briefly, Kate is a member of the Democratic State Committee with an unusually deep commitment to recruiting, coordinating, and participating in political volunteer activity. I sometimes suspect that Kate is actually a set of holograms because she seems to be everywhere at once. When I went up to New Hampshire for the final stretch before the 2008 presidential election, I remember being sent from the Obama ’08 office in Concord to a satellite “staging area” in Pembroke, a small town located a distance away. I had never heard of Pembroke before, but the person who greeted me was familiar enough: Kate Donaghue! It turned out that not only was she managing the volunteer effort there, but a few minutes before that, she had been interviewed, right in front of the stacks of canvassing sheets, on the Jeff Santos Show on WWZN AM-1510 in Boston. (Off-topic: if you can, tune into Jeff’s show at 8:15 a.m. tomorrow for some good news about progressive talk in Boston.) Yet despite Kate’s being so busy in physical form in New Hampshire and in virtual form in Massachusetts, she took the time to make sure that I received a volunteer assignment that made me happy. When I told her that I’d like to find a route for the next day that had been less heavily canvassed, even if I had to travel some distance to get there, she obliged me by finding me one of the few remaining towns that fit that description. She somehow manages to make volunteers happy while making sure that all the necessary tasks are covered, which must be a demanding balancing act. If you read her posts on Blue Mass Group, or the comments that others have written about her, you can see her commitment to both goals.
For those, like me, who have mostly seen Kate surrounded by volunteers, it was fun to see her surrounded by elected officials, an environment where she seems equally at home. One of the speakers (bonus question for attendees: which one?) received appreciative chuckles when he talked about the value of an endorsement from Kate.
Since a picture tells a thousand words, and my good friend Nancy Weinberg took about a thousand heartwarming pictures, I figure that you’d be roughly a million times more interested in visiting Nancy’s photo essay of the event on her blog Nancy’s News Network than reading any more words I have to write on the subject.
Please join me in saluting Kate. Happy Kate Donaghue Day, everyone!
What a great event! And thanks to Sue Kennedy for the beautifully orchestrated morning.
p>To look at Kate smiling yesterday, you’d have thought she was out canvassing!
p>Enjoy the pictures, Kate!
Thank you, Alan for the post. Thank you Nancy for your photos.
p>There was a very special connection to BMG at yesterday’s event. The description of me that was listed in the program was primarily from a comment that lolorb made on BMG last year when I was running for DSC.
p>There were a number of BMGers present. I’m sure I’ll miss some and I don’t have time to link but Amber Paw, lightiris, shiltone, lynne, John from Abington, Michael Forbes Wilcox, Jamie Eldridge, Sue Kennedy and bluestatesblue, along with AlanF. I’m sure there were others.
p>Sue and the MW Dems were very specific in mentioning that they were honoring my work. I felt that was appropriate since it honors all the volunteers who work with me for our shared Democratic values of promoting justice and the common good.
p>It was fun to have my family learn about my volunteer work. I have to admit that it was a hoot to hear that yesterday was declared “Kate Donaghue Day” and to have people wishing me “Happy Kate Donaghue Day.”
p>Now back to the real world. I can’t pass up the opportunity to urge you all to subscribe to the newsletter I started and now run with a team, the Democratic Dispatch. Please send an e-mail to DDemDispatch-subscribe@yahoogroups.com !
p>Gratefully yours,
p>Kate Donaghue
I couldn’t be there yesterday in person but was there in
spirit! I’m still looking forward to our rain-check drink w/Nancy
sometime! Keep up the great work!
I was there, great event. Sue Kennedy did a great job. It was good to see so many familiar faces there.