…the number one contributor to the accumulation of greenhouse gases, but don’t they realize they will be emptying our pockets er I mean reducing economic growth in Massachusetts by advocating change?”
Lee Vemhangen, ultra-wealthy energy plutocrat added, “They even want their new Governor to have the Commonwealth rejoin the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative! Scandalous! Wouldn’t it be a good thing to make Greenland green again?”
(Loyal to Big Oil and The Boston Coal Party, both wholly-owned subsidiaries of Billionaires for Bush, are a consortium of oil barons, coal mining CEO’s and giddy traders on the energy futures market. Oh, and of course the faithful representatives in Congress who deliver the subsidies and tax breaks we love at the expense of taxpayers who can’t afford lobbyists of their own. For more information: http://loyaltobigoil… and/or http://billionairesf…
Or will the call the papers and whine again?
I think it’s perfectly fine to send a group of people who aren’t what they pretend to be (Republican Chain Gang) to taunt another group of people who ALSO aren’t what they claim to be (Billionaires for Bush)
The difference however, is that the Billionaires for Bush have a sense of humor. And nicer hats.
This hat is moi’s favorite!
My darling Mr. Porcupine,
We call our editors to complain, darling! How silly of you!