Hi Folks,
The America For Gore Coalition has put together a petition asking Democracy for America to please officially include Al Gore in their next straw poll. The last poll they had garnered
13% for other, which they said was hands down Al Gore supporters. We are confident that if he is officially added to the poll that he will gather even more votes.
Please see the below letter forwarded to me by AFG, sign the petition and forward to everyone you know. I know there are lots of petitions going around out there regarding Gore but this one
is particularly important.
Here it is!
Democracy for America is conducting straw polls for the 2008 Democratic primary
nomination. In the past, the catch-all choice “other” has gotten up to 13%. It is easy to
speculate that Al Gore is a large chunk of this “other” showing. It’s time Gore to be added
to the poll in proper fashion. Help us send a message to DFA, and sign the Al Gore 2008
DFA Straw Poll Petition!
Here’s an easy to remember link:
Sign the petition, and pass it on. And most importantly, forward it on to your local DFA
chapter email groups and other progressive friends.
We want to get Al Gore on the next straw poll, and we also want to show the progressive
leadership how serious we are about Al Gore for 2008.
Pass it on!