10. Come up with new nickname(The Commander Guy is getting stale)
9. Get President Musharaff to call me first, instead of Dick Cheney
8. Gotta do something … Even I have Bush Fatigue
7. For staff, pardons, not commutations (Remember: Got one to make-up for Scooter)
6. I’m puttin’ it down again this year … This is the year! … Get inside Dick Cheney’s office
5. Not be so dependent on “The Google”… Start using “The Yahoo” more
4. If I can only succeed with one New Years’ Resolution, it’s gotta be getting the Telcoms Amnesity
3. Attend those weekly History briefings, with Dana Perino
2. Start, right on January 1st, a new “Ek-A-Lec-Tic” Reading List
1. Stop saying “Hello, Mama!” everytime Condi comes into the office
Likely at around 4:00 pm next December 24.
there is lots of brush clearing to be done in Paraguay.