10. Only reason Bush gave authorization? … Another opportunity to throw on the flightsuit!
9. Arlen Specter is making waves; Wants investigation of satellite, to be sure it isn’t part of Bill Belichick and New England Patriots spying operation
8. Grounding all astronauts around the time of the shooting … Don’t what them drunk and flying into the line-of-fire
7. Plans call for shooting it at the angle so the debris will fall to earth, directly over Iran
6. Mark McKinnon changing his mind – Now leaving McCain Campaign, not over Obama, but for the shooting down of the satellite
5. Thinking about outsourcing this to Blackwater, but fearful Blackwater will shoot down 17 innocent satellites
4. After its’ shot down, White House will suddenly claim that’s where all their emails were stored
3. Mike Huckabee has offered to loan the Navy Chuck Norris – If that happens, satellite will shoot itself down, just so it doesn’t have to deal with Chuck Norris
2. Navy competing with Dick Cheney, who is going to be with his hunting buddies, at the Armstrong Ranch, taking shots at it
1. How do we know this isn’t just another Filipino Monkey scam?
really, really big so question is CAN they hit it!
Say Hey Lasthorseman
p>Yes, that is going to be worth watching … Wired has an article saying the experts are laughing …Others note that the real reason they want to destroy it is so pieces of it don’t end up on eBay or with China …
p>This should be on live television!
is any concern about it landing in the “enemy?” hands of China. Duh! Even Intel has semicondutor wafer fabs over there. The entire western world has flocked to China creating the largest industrial gold rush in the entire history of mankind. China has demanded, and we have freely GIVEN the technolgy away.
p>Why don’t we see if the Chinese can hit it!
if they miss? What goes up must come down, no?
For decades we have stood around and watched these things tumble from the skies back down from wherest they came ..
But this one, this one must be shot down to prevent this and help save us little people from the potential danger?
Huh? ..
While listening to the government officials spin their less than intricate tail of toxic fuels I am reminded of the very real military significance of proving anti satelite technology ..
You know …
Say for instance a nation, say umm Iran, was to accidentaly get cut off from the rest of the world when 4 (or is it 6 now) of its undersea cables are accidentaly cut in a 2 week period by ships dragging their anchors.. and say that nation manages to regain contact with the world by means of satelite technology … well …
Thanks to the miracle of modern inovation and the US taxpayers willingness to foot endless research into otherwise useless concepts . poof …
out could go the lights on that suspect nation yet again ..
or other such hypothetical stories based on real life adventures we are seeing unfold ..
But the LEAST likely reason for this show is the one they are feeding us IMO …
p>My mother (who lives in Hawaii) is worried about the Navy shooting down this satellite off of Hawaiian waters.
p>1. She doesn’t believe the Navy can hit it. (She was born in 1915 and has been around a long time)
p>2. She is worried that whatever they do hit instead will fall down on someone’s head.
p>3. I have advised her to stay indoors and wear a hat.
Which is bigger than I always imagined spy sattelites.
p>To the extent that there is hazardous ful and/or very classified stuff on board, I suppose that many little pieces are more likely to burn up in the atmosphere than one huge bit. Doubtless the reason they want to take the shot at the last moment is to make sure all of these bits do, indeed, burn up, rather than continue flying around making a hazard of themselves.
p>Plus it is a good chance to point out to the Chinese that we can zap a sattelite too. Win-win!