Here is the list of gatherings, meet-ups and message boards for Beck's We Surround Them tele-rally in Massachusetts. General "Roll Call" Belchertown Location: VFW Post … [Read more...]
Top Ten Cloves: Things About U.S. Plans to Shoot Down Broken Spy Satellite
10. Only reason Bush gave authorization? ... Another opportunity to throw on the flightsuit! 9. Arlen Specter is making waves; Wants investigation of satellite, to be sure it isn't part of Bill Belichick and New England … [Read more...]
Top Ten Cloves: Ways Chuck Norris Will Keep Mike Huckabee From Getting Old In The White House, If H
10. For anyone using Google to search "How old is President Mike Huckabee" or "Is President Mike Huckabee getting old", they don't get search results, they get an asskicking from Chuck Norris 9. Chuck Norris will veto any … [Read more...]
Maybe I Was Wrong About Huckabee
In all seriousness, with recent polls showing Huckabee gaining on Mitt in Iowa, we could see Huckabee beat Mitt. If Huckabee beats Mitt in Iowa and NH, Mitt will have only one response, and you'll definitely see it in South … [Read more...]