Today, The Justice Project is releasing Increasing Access to Post-Conviction DNA Testing: A Policy Review. This policy review explains the problems surrounding post-conviction DNA testing policies and procedures and identifies the best practices for states to adopt to ensure that post-conviction DNA testing contributes to a more accurate criminal justice system and restores public confidence in the system’s ability to correct its own errors.
To date, more than 200 people – including 16 who were sentenced to death – have been proven innocent by DNA testing. In many of those cases, the same DNA test helped bring the real perpetrators to justice.
But seven states, including Massachusetts, don’t even have laws on the books allowing for post-conviction DNA testing. And those that do have laws fall short of what is needed to ensure that DNA testing can be used effectively to correct the injustice of wrongful conviction.
All but 12 states and the District of Columbia lack statutes requiring the preservation of evidence throughout an inmate’s incarceration. An investigative series this year by The Columbus Dispatch found that “evidence had been lost or destroyed nearly two-thirds of the time that prosecutors agreed to search for it because Ohio does not require evidence to be catalogued and saved.” States should require the preservation of biological evidence throughout a defendant’s sentence and devise standards regarding the custody of evidence.
States should also ensure that all inmates with a DNA-based innocence claim may petition for DNA testing at any time without regard to plea, confession, self-implication, the nature of the crime, or previous unfavorable test results. Nearly a dozen of the more than 200 DNA exonerees initially plead guilty, and 50 purportedly confessed to crimes they did not commit. And because DNA testing technology continues to improve, a defendant’s right to request testing must not be subject to time limitations. If new technology develops that might change the outcome of a test, the test should be performed.
The complexity of the petitioning process also creates an unreasonable burden for a wrongfully convicted person who needs DNA testing to prove his or her innocence. The steps involved in obtaining DNA testing are difficult even for experienced advocates. That’s why states should provide counsel and cover the cost of post-conviction DNA testing for indigent petitioners.
These are just a few of the steps that need to be taken. As with any good policy, the benefits of post-conviction DNA testing statutes outweigh the costs. While improving access to post-conviction DNA testing will require states to incur some initial costs, those costs are minimal and could end up saving states money in the long run.
The federal government recognized the importance of post-conviction DNA testing with the passage of the Innocence Protection Act (IPA) in 2004. The IPA includes the Kirk Bloodsworth Post-Conviction DNA Testing Program, which authorizes $25 million over five years to help states defray the cost of post-conviction DNA testing. The program is named for Kirk Noble Bloodsworth, the first person sentenced to death to be exonerated by DNA evidence.
In Bloodsworth’s case, the DNA test results not only proved that he did not sexually assault and murder nine-year-old Dawn Hamilton, they also identified the real perpetrator who then confessed to the crime. But it took another series of miracles for that to happen. It was only through a chance encounter that Bloodsworth’s attorney learned that the trial judge had kept some of the evidence in a cardboard box in his chambers. And the attorney paid for the testing out of his own pocket.
Our criminal justice system is too fraught with error to rely on miracles to find the truth. Post-conviction DNA testing serves the interests of fairness, accuracy and public confidence in the criminal justice system, and states should make every effort to facilitate testing for defendants claiming innocence.
John F. Terzano is the President of The Justice Project, a nonpartisan organization that works to increase fairness and accuracy in the criminal justice system, with a focus on the capital punishment system. Copies of “Improving Access to Post-Conviction DNA Testing: A Policy Review” are available at
When the opportunity to present exculpatory evidence arises, the motion should be heard. I have always been astounded that the courts only allow windows of opportunity to present evidence or file a motion within certain milestones of time. Otherwise the innocent man/woman will continue to be deprived of their freedom. IMHO that is egregious judicial conduct of the worst order. If the state can spend millions to prosecute a case and throw the entire weight of the state at one individual, then they should be obligated to provide an oportunity to prove innocence ( with the test of reasonableness)
p>DNA proves neither guilt nor innocence, and you damn well know that Mr. Terzano. DNA is one more piece of evidence. It is an extraordinary piece to be sure, and incredibly useful, particularly because it’s more precise than blood type testing. It should be used whenever it may resolve an uncertainty, and the justice system ought to be erring on the side of resolving uncertainties in evidence.
p>But DNA proves guilt no more or less than a single eyewitness, a videotape, a fingerprint, or even a signed confession, which is to say, it does nothing of the sort. DNA proves innocence no more than an alibi, lack of motive, or a lack of evidence in general, which is to say, it does nothing of the sort.
p>DNA testing is neither infallible nor omnipotent. It’s simply one damn good piece of a complex puzzle. I agree that the scope for DNA testing ought to be widened and that the mission of the legal system ought to include making absolutely sure that we’re not wrongfully imprisoning our citizens. Exaggerating about DNA’s role in the justice system doesn’t really help the cause though.
The defense and to a large extent the prosecution should use DNA as exculpatory evidence. It ruled out possible persons from prosecution. If the prosecution already arises it may be cause for directed finding of NG. If their is a single perp and the perp DNA is not at the scene—-how is the perp guilty.
p>Criminalistics years ago used evidence equally for expulpatory reasons as well as incriminatory. Now cops and DA’s use all evidence garnered into a force for incrimininating and proving guilt ,even if the evidence is eculpatory in nature. Cops abd DA’s are also not above losing bits of evidence, disqualifying them, or simply hiding them as in the rape of the woman in NC and the entire LaCrosse team was indicted. A classic travesty of justice including the cabal of cops and DA’s to imprison innocent men!
The thesis of my post is that DNA evidence is simply evidence — never a guarantee of guilt or innocence in a vacuum.
There is no such thing as a “guarantee” of guilt of innocence. The point of the post is that DNA evidence is far more reliable than a lot of “traditional” evidence, specifically including eyewitness testimony, which has been shown to be quite unreliable. So I’m really not sure what your point is.
p>Furthermore, this
p>seems to me an excellent example of the vice you appear to be decrying, namely, exaggeration.
My claim is that no single piece of evidence “proves” guilt nor innocence. Rather, a collection of evidence is necessary. DNA is a great tool, but it’s never solely sufficient, which does directly challenge the claim made at the beginning of the post.
p>My frustration is that DNA evidence, perhaps with the help of CSI:Dubuqeu, is believed by many to be the end-all-be-all. It isn’t. Mistakes can be made during the collection, at the lab, and in the analysis. There are recently reported examples of [non twin] people having similar substrands.
p>As a result, DNA evidence, by itself, could never be enough to prove guilt. While DNA evidence very well could be enough to provide sufficient doubt of guilt, that’s a far cry from proving innocence.
p>I think being nitpicky with the lede of a post made by an expert is fair game. It’s not like I’m being pedantic over a throwaway line by a generic blog poster. This is an essay written by an expert, and it ought to be held to higher standards. No?
what you mean by “proves.” Do you mean proves in the abstract, i.e., some sort of absolute truth (which IMHO is never really attainable)? Or do you mean “proves” in the legal sense, i.e., proves guilt to a jury’s satisfaction, or, on the other hand, establishes reasonable doubt? If the latter, then the post’s “lede” —
p>is perfectly accurate, and quite consistent with your position (a “powerful scientific tool”). Furthermore, the reference to “proving guilt or innocence in our criminal justice system” seems to make clear that the author is talking about proof in the legal sense, not the abstract sense.
p>Finally, this — “DNA evidence, by itself, could never be enough to prove guilt.” — strikes me as incorrect. I can easily imagine DNA evidence and nothing else sufficing for, say, a rape conviction. Certainly, there have been lots of convictions based solely on eyewitness testimony, which is in general far less reliable.
p>So, again, I’m not really seeing the problem.
p>Child rape, maybe. Rape of an adult? All DNA proves is consensual sex. Signs of struggle suggest rape. Injury to the woman often suggests rape. Eye/ear witnesses of the accused or victim before or after the event may tell a story of rape. A confession points to rape.
p>Proving who produced the semen merely proves sex.