We shouldn't be surprised by the findings of judicial mismanagement, although the evidence of official malfeasance uncovered in the Ware Report by the late Judge Irwin is disturbing. Judges are often poor administrators and often lack the … [Read more...]
We are waiting…
We hear regular announcements of how Massachusetts is benefiting from the Federal ARRA funds as they are released incrementally. However, it is not clear that we are making best use of these funds in growing our economy. Our … [Read more...]
Post-Conviction DNA Testing in Massachusetts Shouldn’t Depend on Miracles
Today, The Justice Project is releasing Increasing Access to Post-Conviction DNA Testing: A Policy Review. This policy review explains the problems surrounding post-conviction DNA testing policies and procedures and identifies the best … [Read more...]
Freebie! Report on annual state trends and policy
http://www.stateline.org/live/... Stateline.org's annual report on state trends and policy, "State of the States 2008." is currently in production and will begin shipping in mid January. Once again, it is chock full of helpful graphics and … [Read more...]
Losing Faith in Gov. Patrick’s Management Skills
In the case of the much ballyhooed universal health care law will likely self-destruct this spring and summer because the health insurance plans approved by the Connector Board remain so prohibitvely so expensive for many uninsured working … [Read more...]