The email continues:
Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable.
Attend five different small colleges before graduating, you’re well grounded.
If you spend three years as a brilliant community organizer, become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as a constitutional law professor, spend eight years as a state senator representing a district with more than 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate’s Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the United States Senate representing a state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran’s Affairs committees, you don’t have any real leadership experience.
If your total resume is: local weather girl, four years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with fewer than 7,000 people, 20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then you’re qualified to become the country’s second highest ranking executive.
If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising two beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you’re not a real Christian.
If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, and left your disfigured wife and married the heiress the next month, you’re a Christian.
If you teach responsible, age appropriate sex education, including the proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society.
If, while governor, you staunchly advocate abstinence only, with no other option in sex education in your state’s school system while your unwed teen daughter ends up pregnant, you’re very responsible.
If your wife is a Harvard graduate lawyer who gave up a position in a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner-city community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family’s values don’t represent America’s.
If your husband is nicknamed “First Dude,” with at least one DWI conviction and no college education, who didn’t register to vote until age 25 and once was a member of a group that advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA, your family is extremely admirable.
OK, much clearer now.
Ezra continues with the following comment on the email:
As a general point, I think blog posts are an incredibly ineffective way of changing people’s minds. But as far as I can tell, e-mail forwards are just the opposite. They come from acquaintances rather than media professionals, are written to convince actual people rather than win the ratings game, and thus bypass our natural filters in ways that polemics and advertisements don’t.
Copy the text and forward the email because those who know you will hear your voice through the clutter.
p>Hey, that was fun Mr. Lynne!
Can we do it again sometime?
a history of wanting censorship (which hasn’t been addressed by anyone in the campaign, BTW) is reason for concern?
p>What if the censorship in question was conservative books by conservative authors? Would you be wanting an answer then?
I’ll link to as unbiased a source I can find re: censorship. CSMONITOR
p>”history of wanting censorship”. Prove it.…
p>Not proof per se, but anecdotal.
I’m not interested in silly hypotheticals.
p>As Gary said, If you have real evidence for the charge that Gov. Palin intended/attempted to ban books, present it here and now.
p>Absent unequivocal proof, I assert this to be just another asshat smear, and call bullshit.
This story has been exhaustively documented and supported by numerous eyewitnesses. She inquired about how to ban books at the local library, but backed down when the librarian stood up to her and a firestorm of protest erupted.
p>There is no serious question that this occurred.
p>Next you’ll want proof that the world is round. Have fun with that.
p>She’s melting, by the way.
If you have the goods, deliver the goods.
p>Otherwise, bullshit, pal.
But they are just so easy to needle!
So that’s your explanation? “I wuz jus fun’n wit ya’ll”?
p>You just bled out, credibility-wise.
“I opposed the bridge to nowhere.” Heh.
p>A religious fundamentalist, or a credible national leader. You decide.
Years ago GHWBush nominated a person with a minimal paper trail to the U.S. Supreme Court. George Bush thought he could sneak a reactionary ideologue onto the bench. Too bad that David Souter was not the reactionary ideologue that Bush believed him to be. Now the conservatives complain about how liberal Souter is but they are the ones who ran a stealth candidate for such an important post as Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court.
So now your guy McCain runs a stealth candidate for VP. She’s a good looking woman who can work a room and who loves guns but that is about all you really know about her. You complain about the lies being spread about Palin but the only way the TRUTH will ever be fleshed out is if people ask questions. She won’t answer them and we have not had the opportunity to observe this woman in any capacity for long enough to form an opinion of who she really is. We know far more about Biden, Obama and McCain than we do about Palin.
How can you be so for someone you don’t even know? Some of my conservative friends fell in love with Sarah Palin as soon as they saw her. They knew nothing about her intellect, integrity or her competency but they immediately thought that she was Oval Office material. I told them that in my opinion I did not know whether Sarah Palin was qualified for any cabinet position and that their strong pro-Palin convictions were knee jerk. I don’t think I was wrong.
I thought this email was fairly clever when it got forwarded to me last week. Gave me some chuckles and put everything that Palin-McCain…er, McCain-Palin has done into a nice neat little funny package. Just because it pillories your side for once (as opposed to LYING email forwards like “Obama is a scary Muslim”) it’s suddenly considered spam?
p>I’d wager THIS email passes real easy, my friend.
Set up the strawman; knock it down. It’s a cliche, it’s boring and in masse via e-mail, it’s spam.
Dude, I have constantly berated anyone for harping on Palin for the motherhood issue. Or for her looks. Or anything else that is related in any way to sexism. She has as much right to be on the campaign trail as anyone else regardless of her motherhood status.
p>Tell it somewhere where they believe you. Most liberals are saying nothing about her motherhood, except a few fridge types. As I said, most of us disagree, and say so.
p>It’s YOUR party which has a large constituent of “barefoot and pregnant” believers and usually pulls this sort of crap. Guilty conscience much?
p>copy and paste to thousands of your closest friend. SPAM R US.
Are you using that quote to say someone is impugning Palin’s motherhood?
p>Cuz I don’t see it.
p>And it’s part of the minutes of whatever meeting as mayor that she asked about banning books. Then very shortly thereafter said librarian who emphatically told her that she would no such thing was fired (and then reinstated by popular support of the people in the town).
p>Whatever that looks like, it don’t look like much except retribution for denying Palin what she wanted – to ban certain books from the library.
p>Given Palin’s brand of religion, it’s surprising that she’d want to ban books? I’d have thought you wingnuts would have been applauding her for trying to protect the morality of the town from all the gays.
for your peace of mind: libraries these days do seem to be gay indoctrination centers run by heterophobic misanthropic anti-christian witches, and they should be cleaned up, with many books burned and employees fired if they don’t drown.
p>The Arlington library always seems to have table set up in the lobby with books selected by PFLAG, and they recklessly undermine the rights of kids to become fully human in meaningful marriage connected to the greater morality.
Are you proffering this as unequivocal proof for your dipshit claim that Palin is a “book banner?
p>Ohhhh, where to start? lol
p>Just a head’s-up, Lynne; this pathetic regurgitation of Democratic Underground talking points ain’t makin’ it.
Wow. Deep.
p>Proof, Lynne.
From Bill Adair (editor of on OTM:
p>More at politifact
how many times are you allowed to vote, again? Call ACORN and let me know.
not come out and flatly denied it?
Lynne’s rule: if the other side hasn’t denied it, it’s true.
p>That opens up an entire line of attack: Obama’s Senior thesis from Columbia was a diatribe on the Desireability of allowing Soviet occupation of Western Europe in order to curtail nuclear proliferation.
p>It’s obviously true, because they haven’t denied it.
You need to learn to live with your Party’s choice.
p>She tried to get books banned. She didn’t sell the plane on eBay. She thinks she understands foreign policy because Alaska is close to Russia.
p>She’s so incompetent she has to hide from the press.
p>Weak. George Bush with lipstick.
p>That’s no a leader we can believe in, my friends.
p>She’s melting.
keep in mind that this EMAIL didn’t even snark about her having kids and leaving them behind. So again, give it up. Talk about straw men…
p>Then again, I know you just do this because you crave attention. I really shouldn’t feed the troll…
Not only are Republicans suddenly staunch feminists, geo999 is complaining about smears, and gary is decrying strawmen arguments.
p>I’m speechless.
p>If only.
Still, silencing dissent is how we got here.
p>Why-do-you-hate-America-ly yours,
good stuff. copied and will forward to at least a dozen, with notation about how this is all factual, unlike those about Obama.
One might strengthen this by enclosing a postscript that includes reference links.
p>Somewhat laborious but certainly not impossible.
and a tremendous amount of energy gets spent on foolish issues and smears… BUT, it seems like everyday there is a new post about the foolish issues?
p>Is this a “right of passage” for being a blogger here.
p>The economy, Iraq, Social Security, banking, immigration, public service, healthcare… are these issues too boring?
p>Is it more fun to talk about whether Michelle Obama is “angry” or McCain’s wife wore a $3,000 dress… I get hung up on this stuff too but that doesn’t make it right.
p>Start a blog about how Social Security is going to be addressed by BO vs. JM!
Well, then, should we talk about the rumors that Sarah needs to consult her husband on many matters of state governance? Some folks in Alaska refer to him as the “shadow governor“.
p>Is this a “real issue”? A lot of people had this sort of thing in mind when Hillary was still running – some folks were convinced it was just gonna be Bill’s third term, that he would call all the shots. Should we be concerned that Todd Palin might be a heartbeat away from calling the shots for the nation?
forwarded this to my mother. I am forwarding to my wife and to people at work.
p>If anyone sends you a PUMA type email–especially one citing Lynn Forester de Rothschild, who laughably says she is switching to McCain because Obama is too elitist this email is a great response.