Ryan found it in his email box first. Here's a joint statement from the Gov, Sen. Prez Murray, and Speaker DeLeo:
“The news of yesterday’s indictments and the nature of the charges are deeply disturbing. All three of us have put forth serious proposals dealing with ethics, lobbying and campaign finance reform, the details of which are currently being negotiated in conference committee. In light of the recent developments, we believe it is critical that we stand united in our shared commitment to restoring the public trust. Therefore, we have agreed that ethics reform legislation will be passed and signed into law swiftly that includes the best provisions from all three of our proposals. We owe the people of Massachusetts nothing less.”
So … hard to know what they will end up thinking “the best” provisions are. (Ethics commission?) But it's on the fast track, and one would imagine that the Governor's and House's hand has been strengthened due to recent events.
Irony: In spite of DeLeo's history as Sal's bagman for bad legislation, and in spite of the House's overwhelming re-election of DiMasi as Speaker, the House and Governor have been relatively out front on ethics reform this year. (Actually, maybe replace “in spite of” with “because.”) DeLeo's House “huddle” this afternoon should be heard in that context.
amberpaw says
p>2. Having the same “Freedom of Information Act” [FOIA] laws that apply to Boston officials apply to Beacon Hill.
p>3. Expand the restrictions on “the revolving door” – it is unseemly that elected office in the House or Senate looks like an internship for the lobbying profession.
david says
is that the Senate’s campaign finance tweaks will stay. Which is good. And the House’s ethics bill will prevail over the Senate’s. Which is also good. And maybe the Gov gets the gift ban. Which would be good. So it’s all good.
p>But it’s not good enough.
charley-on-the-mta says
Aside from ending THISBITES, that is.
david says
meaningful pension reform. Meaningful transportation reform. All that good stuff that we’ve been begging for all along.
p>And ending the THISBITES program would be nice. đŸ˜‰
charley-on-the-mta says
Well, that statement doesn’t say they won’t do the rest of the good stuff. I’m an optimist, see.
ryepower12 says
There’s only so much federal investigators can do to root out corruption in public office. At some point, the people have to do it, but in Massachusetts incumbents are too strong. We need to even the playing field and ensure that incumbents are reelected because they’re doing a good job, not just because. It shouldn’t take a federal indictment to get bad politicians gone.
bob-neer says
Only after a previous paragon of the legislature is indicted.
p>If the leadership was sincere, they would have advanced these reforms before the indictment instead of in apparent fear following it.
p>Let’s see what they actually approve.
p>Score another one for the Governor.
sabutai says
…not only is Sal the classic flawed hero, it is his demise that gets protagonists Murray and Patrick to meet and find a way to work together. Yeesh.