All the results for example, I was pleased to see how well my friend Dave Roulston did in Franklin County in what I understand to be his first race. There are many open seats, and many first time candidates – and even though some of those first time candidates did not win their primaries – this time – I hope they try again …including David Roulston, a brave and compassionate man shown here with his guide dog, who understands the concept “innocent until proven guilty” – and how much easier it is to accuse than to defend.
My own preference would be for “new blood” with fire in the belly, a passion for social justice, and few political debts to pay over “earning” a seat by conforming to a litmus test. Experience is not enough to interest me, given the way “experience” has led to a “go along to get along” culture.
Chris Collins on WHMP (Northampton) reported this morning that Edwards won that primary by intensive retail campaigning in Greenfield, which she narrowly carried in spite of being from Orange, at the other end of the district. Though I vote in Amherst, I live much of the year in Gill, where Roulston’s signs far outnumbered Edwards’.
p>Our marquee race out here was for Northwest District DA, where David Sullivan beat Michael Cahillane. The progressive establishment was largely with Sullivan, while Cahilllane (the current ADA to retiring Republican Elizabeth Scheibel) had more law enforcement endorsements.
I also thought he ran a classy campaign and hope he does continue to seek a role in governance – he is a person of integrity, compassion, grit, and intellect.