Both the Supreme Court's decisions to approve ObamaCare tax credits and the rejection of state laws banning same-sex marriage take ideas that were first implemented in Massachusetts and make it national law. So now it's official: The Spirit … [Read more...]
Chris Christie Didn’t Study Massachusetts Health Care, Either.
NJ Governor and Chair of the Republican Governors Association, Chris Christie, never did a study of traffic on the George Washington Bridge. He apparently never studied health care in Massachusetts, either. Yesterday, his RGA issued a … [Read more...]
FAQ: Why did the Connector need a new website? Why can’t they just use the old one?
With the continuing issues with the Health Connector/MassHealth enrollment website, we get asked the following questions constantly: The old web site worked just fine. Why did they need to build a new one? Why can't they just go back to … [Read more...]
Fairness and Responsibility: What Should Happen Now With The Massachusetts Employer Provisions
The budget just sent to Governor Patrick includes provisions repealing the Massachusetts Employer Fair Share statute. This is the requirement that employers with 11 or more workers must provide "fair and reasonable" health insurance … [Read more...]
Call on Globe To Correct Scott Brown: Obamacare REDUCES the Federal Deficit
Did you see the Globe's Sunday Metro-front box, on the key positions of Senate candidates Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren? Did you catch the huge mistake, in the very first line? Under the issue topic "deficit" (which is shorthand for … [Read more...]
New Analysis: Scott’s Brown’s Health Policy Would Increase Massachusetts Seniors’ Medicare Costs by Approximately $500 Per Year
Yesterday, Community Catalyst Action Fund released a devastating new report, looking at the impact of implementing Scott Brown's promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) lowers seniors’ Medicare costs by … [Read more...]
Join Us at the “ Purple Bus Tour – Friday, Noon, City Hall Plaza
On Friday (9/28) at noon, the Purple Bus Tour pulls into City Hall Plaza, by the Government Center T stop. Kathie McClure is a lawyer and a mother of two from Georgia who embarked in "The Purple Bus adventure" to tell … [Read more...]
Should Our Premium Dollars (and Tax Dollars) Pay For Willy Wonka?
Last week, WBZ-TV reporter Jon Keller turned his investigative eye to the pharmaceutical marketing gift ban. Who is suffering because … [Read more...]
More Circus Antics — especially juggling — Around Romney and Massachusetts Health Care
The press is busy looking for dirt on Romney's health care achievement in Massachusetts. Unfortunately, most of the muck being heaped on our universal health care law is misguided or incomplete, including a story in today’s L.A. Times which … [Read more...]
Join Us in Calling For A Freeze on Health Care Cost Increases. Noon Rally – State House Steps.
Today, HCFA and GBIO are issuing a challenge to insurers to freeze health premiums for one year or until a meaningful long-term cost containment solution is reached, and urged all stakeholders - doctors and hospitals, government, insurers, … [Read more...]