Bill Gwatney, the Chairman of the Arkansas Democratic Party, was fatally shot this afternoon at state party HQ. The CNN article is here. Let's keep his family and our fellow Democrats in Arkansas in our thoughts and prayers. … [Read more...]
Hillary draws the line
HRC was constantly accused of doing anything or saying anything to get herself the nomination vis-a-vis Barack Obama. We now apparently have confirmation that such is not the case. This article shows that she rejected Mark … [Read more...]
His Excellency visits Amesbury
I attended the town hall discussion led by the Governor this evening in Amesbury. Both he and the questioners made some good points and the dialogue was genuine. He took questions for about an hour, which in some cases involved … [Read more...]
A want ad I never thought I would see
I was browsing Craigslist and came across this job posting. I do not agree with the premise that legislators should simply be delegates slavishly following the expressed preferences of their constituents. I also think Mr. … [Read more...]
Kennedy returns to the Senate
The late news reported this evening that Senator Kennedy made a brief trip to Capitol Hill today to vote on Medicare legislation. This first appearance on the Senate floor since being diagnosed with brain cancer was a surprise to … [Read more...]
Supreme Court upholds detainees’ rights!
C-SPAN is reporting that the Supreme Court has voted 5-4 that detainees held at Guantanamo Bay have the right to challenge the United States in civilian court. The transcript of oral arguments can be found here. … [Read more...]
Young Democrats of Massachusetts off to a great start!
We are excited about our new initiatives this year. Beginning next week we will be hosting cocktail hours for those interested in joining us. The first of these is on May 20th and is posted on the BMG calendar. We also are … [Read more...]
From primary to unity
Elected delegates obviously should vote their commitments, as I believe should "superdelegates" who have already endorsed. Uncommitted at-large and "superdelegates" should vote their consciences using whatever factors seem … [Read more...]
Hillary in Boston tonight
I just got back from a great event at the John Hancock Auditorium tonight. Those of us supporting Senator Clinton needed the morale boost. I hope she raised quite a bit of money tonight as the auditorium was packed. She … [Read more...]
Another candidate for Democratic State Committee
Christopher Jenkins- Dracut My name is Christopher Jenkins and I am a candidate for one of the four male youth seats which you will be filling on March 8th. I have several times been a delegate to the state convention, both youth and … [Read more...]