Successful former staffers will share their secrets, including: Key People and OfficesWho should you know? How can they help? Committee Hearings and Executive SessionsHow should you prioritize and maximize your time? Useful … [Read more...]
Beginning Reform, Opening the Books…
For more information on MASSPIRG's letter, or on the importance of transparency in our budget process, please contact MASSPIRG. … [Read more...]
Reform AND Revenue – in Four Different Conference Committees!!
CONFERENCE COMMITTEES ETHICS BILL Ethics, lobbying and campaign finance reform bills (H 3856 / S 2052) are just heading into a conference committee. A brief analysis of the affect of the Senate's changes can be found on the … [Read more...]
Opportunities to Raise Your Voice in Support of Our Communities
TUESDAY, MAY 19TH12:00pm - Clergy Leaders from Interfaith Community Improvement Organizations from cities across the state stand together for the new revenues needed to possibly restore some of the massive budget cuts in the Senate Ways and … [Read more...]
Virtual Rally II : Support Our State – Contact Your Senator!
SAMPLE SCRIPT The most important part of this script is that you customize each section with your own values, personality, etc. [Introduction:] Hello Senator <Tolman>. My name is <Harmony Blakeway>, and I … [Read more...]
1 Amendment Down, 977 To Go…
First off, let's find General Laws. A search on for "2006 General Laws 2006 Official" yielded a helpful "Quick Link" to General Laws. So far so good. The General Laws are listed in five parts. Looking at the text of … [Read more...]
Virtual Rally: Support Our State
QUESTIONS? Don't know who your legislators are? Visit: Want to look at a preliminary analysis of our state budget? Visit: Other questions? Contact us: … [Read more...]
Home Field Disadvantage?
As a Boston resident, I'm always proud to see great events happening around the city - and across the state. But shouldn't those events - especially those that bring in tourist dollars - benefit our cities? In an Op-Ed in … [Read more...]
Connecting the dots
Sound familiar? We all want and deserve to live healthy, happy lives, and there are some things that we must work on together because we just can't do them on our own - clean water, safe roads, reliable emergency services. Sometimes, … [Read more...]
Is Voters’ Message on Importance of Taxes Being Ignored?
Media Coverage and Analysis Despite the clear defeat of the repeal of the state income tax, the analysis by media and public officials is muddled: The fact is that Question 1 threatened the state's ability to provide basic services, … [Read more...]