This month is one of those times when our duly elected must show their true colors. Progressive Patrick Leahy of Vermont has introduced legislation to continue the Patriot Act. Yes, the same guy that's yammering about freedom in Egypt … [Read more...]
Mimsy were the bureaucrats.*
The parent agency of TSA, Department of Homeland Security, is now partner with WalMart. Fear mongering has reached a new high (low?) in this country as "suspicious" people are to be fingered by WalMart customers. Shoppers … [Read more...]
Bill Galvin’s timely proposal
Recently the Federal electeds passed 3808 to facilitate the foreclosure process. While vetoed by the President, were it to have passed we could expect a wave of notarized fraud that would have inundated the foreclosure process. … [Read more...]
Support the President and add to your portfolio.
Backstage is looking for actors for the next DC town meeting. Item dated 10/07/10. Looks like a great opportunity for someone that could use acting work. … [Read more...]
Thank you, Judge Plitt.
A small crack in the cold, gray cement wall of tyranny has developed. Within government that more and more shields itself from the light of freedom and truth, a Maryland judge has ruled for the defense in the case of a man prosecuted … [Read more...]
Tip of the hat to Ed Markey.
In this day when most of the elected play Sydney Lassick roles to their corporate masters, one Congressman is being congressional. Congressman Markey, largely ignored in the main stream media is the hero of the citizen involved media. … [Read more...]
Training for 3,000 new Information Technology workers!
We often talk about capitalist America. When you go to the library, look at the old newspapers you can come away with a different perspective. You might get the idea that people were allowed to start businesses, acquire capital … [Read more...]
Conspiracy aimed at the unemployed?
Much of politics is manipulation of others to achieve goals. So conspiracies abound. They may be between and politician and any group or groups. Often it starts in the media. Often the media is tasked to change the … [Read more...]
Good to see the Constitution win one.
In this age of constitutional lawlessness, it's good to see a victory for the 10th Amendment. … [Read more...]
Birds of a feather.
So we see the liberal warhawk join the conservative warhawk in vociferous attack against the dove. The plumage of both hawks look the same to me. Anyone feel as if they've awakened in a Monty Python script? (We see Edinburgh … [Read more...]