Well, Hillary had a bit of a rough time this morning at the Take Back America conference -- she was actually booed by a few in the audience as called to hold the Iraqis accountable for running their own government. Interesting, because … [Read more...]
10 flavors of toast
Ana Marie Cox (ex- of Wonkette, now has a real job with Time) documents ten gaffes by Our Ex-Guv. They go from merely pandering (Mitt's laughable assertion that he's "been a hunter pretty much my whole life") to the barbaric ("Double … [Read more...]
Don’t cross the streams!
Bill Richardson boots a slow roller:"My favorite team has always been the Red Sox," he said, then added, "I'm also a Yankees fan. . . . This is the thing about me. I can bring people together."Uh ... no. Even with those Nobel Prize … [Read more...]
Sununu Opponent Gearing Up
Sure everyone is waiting for conventional wisdom to kick in and have Jeanne Shaheen take on Republican John Sununu for the New Hampshire Senate seat. But just ask Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter about conventional wisdom, especially … [Read more...]
Iraq and genocide: Let’s get serious, not “serious”.
I was struck by the absolute tone from MyDD's Matt Stoller regarding whether the next President should completely withdraw troops from Iraq, or leave enough for "peacekeeping" and genocide prevention, insofar as either are actually … [Read more...]
Quote of note
From Political Wire:"If Republicans in this election vote in such a way as to say a candidates personal life and personal conduct in office doesn't matter, then a lot of Christian evangelical leaders owe Bill Clinton a public apology."-- … [Read more...]
Richardson on Gay Rights
So, stumbled on a video of Governor Richardson - a presidential candidate - speaking at an HRC event. I must say, I'm impressed. I've thought for a while that he had a good shot, but it's the first time I've really considered thinking about … [Read more...]
Feeling out the early ’08 consensus
Hey, why not wade into idle speculation about Prez '08? Everyone else is doin' it.I'm a little amused, and yet quite encouraged by Obamamania. I like the guy a lot. I think he catches a little too much grief from the blogosphere for trying … [Read more...]
Romney ’08: Not happening, folks. Move along.
Furthermore, we've got the Big Dig. Yeah, Mitt tried to get the 'Pike Authority under his thumb for a few years, and finally got it. That would have been a good move if he had been the hands-on managerial type we thought he was, and was … [Read more...]