Quoting Arianna Huffington:"Though the country is sorely in need of solutions, and the public hungry for real debate, that's not what was served up in Iowa [or in New Hampshire] -- either by the candidates or the vast pack of media covering … [Read more...]
The Bachmann Flameout Finale
Well there you have it, one of the Tea Party's own heroines, Michelle Bachmann has finally seen the light on her flawed and floundering pretense of a campaign for the American presidency. Quoting Bachmann: "I have decided to stand aside... … [Read more...]
“Oops” There Goes My Candidacy and Much More
Judging from several pundits on the right, Rick Perry’s candidacy for president is all but finished. Perry’s latest gaffe during Wednesday’s Republican debate, in front of millions of potential voters, may be the proverbial last straw. … [Read more...]
Stay Classy, Scott Brown Campaign Staffers
Meet Scott Brown's campaign tracker, the guy designated to hit the opposition's campaign events and tape stuff, on the off chance he'll get some sort of macaca moment on camera. It's a boring job of listening to the same campaign pitches … [Read more...]
Mitt Romney Wants Us All to be Rich!
In a recent campaign stop Mitt Romney addressed the subject of increasing taxes on the rich, rejecting the idea and saying "I want everyone in America to be rich." This isn't the first time this comment has been made by a politician running … [Read more...]
Wanted: A Fighter
The high point of Al Gore's presidential bid was at the convention when he said I will fight for you. Sadly he did not and it was down hill from there. Today the times call for leaders who will dig in their heels and fight for what is … [Read more...]
If Rick Perry is Elected President Will America Secede From Itself?
Well if the 2012 Republican field of challengers arrayed against Barack Obama wasn't interesting enough, we now have Texas Governor Rick Perry throwing his hat into the ring. Fresh off of an old timey religious tent revival meeting and not … [Read more...]
Tea Party Takes a Hit in Debt Ceiling Debate
Back in April I pointed out in “The Fading Allure of the Tea Party Movement” just how much the popularity of the movement had fallen in the eyes of the American people. Well just as one would have imagined, the rancor and vitriol … [Read more...]
Ms. Bachmann a Migraine Headache for the G.O.P.?, A Postscript
In an earlier post, Ms. Bachmann a Migraine Headache for the G.O.P.? I pointed out that Michele Bachmann appeared to be the target of a "political hit" which emanated from within the G.O.P. establishment. Judith Warner in an Op-Ed published … [Read more...]
Will a Deficit Reduction/Debt Ceiling Deal Help Re-elect Barack Obama?
Right now I think the likelihood of Barack Obama being reelected is far from assured. Political commentator Mark Halperin thinks that concluding a deal on deficits and debt will greatly aid Obama in his reelection bid. With regard to how a … [Read more...]