I know this sort of summarization will set the fringe full mooners on the right all atwitter but the last month or so has been pretty good to President Obama: 1. He received a rock star reception in Ireland and now in England … [Read more...]
Why Can’t Michele Bachmann Answer a Direct Question
Is talking in circles an affliction of politicians or is it just my imagination? Now I know that certain bloggers have a tendency to talk in circles when the facts go against them or their argument is shown to be so full of holes that you … [Read more...]
John Boehner: Caught Between a Rock and a Tea Party
Few can forget Minority Leader John Boehner's constant haranguing of President Obama with the question: "Mr. President, where are the jobs?" In fact, in the run up to the 2012 mid-term elections all Boehner and the rest of the Republican … [Read more...]