Yes, it's just copy and paste, but I thought you'd be intersted: "PENNSYLVANIA. Although he won't win the race for collecting the most high-profile endorsements, Congressman Joe Sestak (D) will get an endorsement from House Financial … [Read more...]
Bailout Opponents Looking for Write-ins, Grace Ross Against Rep. Jim McGovern
It was the worst possible deal, the worst of both worlds. An enormous sum of money with no real oversight, and a central banker and Executive branch insider as the czar of nearly $1 trillion of taxpayers' money. Payed for by the … [Read more...]
Barney Frank Nails House Republican Whiners
Here's the video: … [Read more...]
Link to Barney Frank’s interview this AM on Finneran’s Forum
Here is the link: I heard it live, listened to it, and intend to listen to it again. What do YOU think? … [Read more...]
Barney – have the courage to keep saying “NO” – don’t let the Banksters win!
If the Paulsen plan goes forward, the ability of the federal government to borrow money, or support programs other than the Bush agenda is zero. I have taken the time to speak to insiders in the financial services industry. The … [Read more...]
Barney Frank helped Fannie and Freddie fail
An editorial piece in today's Wall Street Journal levels some blame for the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac mess at Barney Frank for his resistance against meaningful reform. Despite progressives' belief that anything the WSJ writes if false, … [Read more...]
Congressmen endorse Plymouth County Treasurer Tom O’Brien
The Committee to Elect Tom O'Brien is pleased to announce the following endorsements in the democratic primary for Plymouth County Treasurer. "Tom O'Brien has been a responsible leader on the issues important to my district and the Plymouth … [Read more...]
Don’t Tug on Superman’s Cape – Barney Frank Edition
"Point of orders rarely end in with a question mark. I've never heard one that did!"Could our humble rep be Washington's new Leroy Brown, "the baddest man in the whole damn town"?Not since the discovery of the Prime Minister's Questions … [Read more...]
Why did Barney Frank support the border fence?
(I checked the Congressional Record to make sure that the vote page hadn't screwed up Frank's vote. It hadn't.) … [Read more...]
A Few MA Dissenters on “Broadcast Decency”
(Part of my occasional series of posts highlighting Congressional votes where the Massachusetts delegation was interestingly split, or where Massachusetts stood out from the crowd - or, in this case, both.)Last week, the US House passed … [Read more...]