Vennochi's complaint is that the progressive bloc of the Democratic Party is apparently willing to let Speaker DiMasi get away with anything, so long as he's pushing our agenda. While I've been very supportive of him, I don't find … [Read more...]
Thanks, Speaker DiMasi and House Equality Supporters.
This is music to my ears. The state House of Representatives is likely to debate the final vote on repealing the 1913 law Tuesday, has learned. According to a House leadership source with knowledge of the legislative … [Read more...]
House Priorities?
MassPoliticker says the House just passed, by overwhelming numbers, a tax holiday in August, which will cost this state $16 million dollars so people can save $50 if they spend a $1000. Brilliant! Meanwhile, there's talk that … [Read more...]
Digging Into Cahill’s School Cost Plan
If a town wants to add a pool, or a field house, or a hockey rink, or have a gigantic, beautiful theater that goes above and beyond the standard state plan - they shouldn't be prevented from doing so. All of those things, in the end, … [Read more...]
Accept It As A Token Of Respect…
House legislators have received gifts to persuade them to oppose the gift ban. Really. They got lots of mugs, with notes inside them subtly asking..."Is it possible a mug, a pen, or a sticky-note pad could influence your vote? … [Read more...]
The Legislature We Could Have
1) MORE EMPOWERING The legislature needs to diffuse power from the hands of the few to the hands of the many. It should break up the monopoly on power and staff concentrated in leadership offices and in the Ways and Means Committee. … [Read more...]
Action Alert: Corporate Taxes to be Cut Tuesday
The following is cross-posted at my blog. The Coalition of Social Justice sent a very important email. Next Tuesday (April 8), the House is expected to vote on a proposal that would close corporate tax loopholes and cut the … [Read more...]
Today’s Casino Hearing
Let's take for example our good Governor. Despite the fact that even Lynne's beginning to question if the Governor is getting too cozy with special interests and certain corporations (just listen in to our conversation on LeftAhead, we hit … [Read more...]
Insult to Injury: What the Legislature Does to Cities and Towns
In his "municipal meltdown" diary last week, Charlie quotes a Commonwealth piece extensively about the fiscal crisis facing cities and towns. One line from Commonwealth really pushed my stupid button:When the leader of the Massachusetts … [Read more...]
Public Hearing next week on Foreclosure Bill
There has been scores of discussion on this site in recent weeks about predatory lending and the high rate of foreclosures in Massachusetts. In addition, a bill (S. 747) filed by State Rep. David Torrisi and myself, which would give … [Read more...]