August 4 2008 Dear Members, As many have … [Read more...]
Joan Vennochi and the Masters of the Speaker’s Office
Vennochi's complaint is that the progressive bloc of the Democratic Party is apparently willing to let Speaker DiMasi get away with anything, so long as he's pushing our agenda. While I've been very supportive of him, I don't find … [Read more...]
Speaker Dimasi, Cognos and Friends
Front page of the Globe, and no comments about it here. It certainly looks like some ethic violations, but I guess that doesn't matter since he's a Democrat. … [Read more...]
Thanks, Speaker DiMasi and House Equality Supporters.
This is music to my ears. The state House of Representatives is likely to debate the final vote on repealing the 1913 law Tuesday, has learned. According to a House leadership source with knowledge of the legislative … [Read more...]
House Priorities?
MassPoliticker says the House just passed, by overwhelming numbers, a tax holiday in August, which will cost this state $16 million dollars so people can save $50 if they spend a $1000. Brilliant! Meanwhile, there's talk that … [Read more...]
Several months ago as I looked into the future tempest when the Governor announced his support for casinos I thought, "geez, a win:win for the state would be passing the Municipal Partnership Act and a No on casinos". The Governor would … [Read more...]