Billionaires for Wealthcare thank teabaggers for their support
We set up our post on an elevated curb along Pennsylvania Avenue, proudly surveying the throngs we'd funded. The crowds mainly greeted us with cheers for the status quo. A few seemed confused; they were clearly in awe to be … [Read more...]
The Billionaires Go To An Inauguration! (with poll)
Three plucky Billionaires for Bush went to Governor Patrick's Inauguration to see for themselves whether or not they will be favored in the new administration.It turned ugly.But at least they garnered some press coverage before they were … [Read more...]
Billionaires Infiltrate Election Night Parties!
Darling!Photographic evidence now proves that three Billionaires for Bush took off their bling in order to infiltrate two 'Victory' parties on Election Night (well, one 'Victory' party and one Victory Party!).We even met a "Prisoner for … [Read more...]
Energy Plutocrats Celebrate Global Warming On Nov. 4th, 1:00 pm on Boston Common
...the number one contributor to the accumulation of greenhouse gases, but don't they realize they will be emptying our pockets er I mean reducing economic growth in Massachusetts by advocating change?"Lee Vemhangen, ultra-wealthy energy … [Read more...]