Some of the frustrations and disappointments that American Indendent Voters feel are, but are not limited to: 1. The undue and unstoppable power of incumbancy. In our own state, we have the fewest unopposed races in any … [Read more...]
Deval’s chances: Sabutai runs the numbers
Sabutai ran some numbers over at his place, and came up with some verrry interesting implications for 2010: Hypothetical: Tim Cahill runs a meandering campaign that nonetheless does a bit better than Mihos and captures 10% of the vote, … [Read more...]
Grossman in Treasurer’s Race
The Newton resident and 2002 Gubernatorial challenger is a top-tier candidate. It will be interesting to see which other Democrats announce their intentions to run for this seat. Any other names out there? Also, check out my blog for … [Read more...]
LeftAhead! Podcast: Bizarre Politicians and How to Cure ‘Em
Today, on LeftAhead, Lynne, Mike and I chatted about four sets of politicians on the national, state and local levels who have made rash, illegal, unacceptable and/or bizarre decisions. We discussed Sarah Palin and her problems in Alaska, … [Read more...]
Timmy, Timmy, timmy!
Oops! $25 million off the table. What else has he forgotten to tell people about say loser slot parlors or enabling pension abuse ? Tim please run for Governor. It will make Patrick's re-election campaign really sail. … [Read more...]
Tim Cahill on Slots: The Gift That Keeps on Giving
In my comment on the listserv, I said that despite the financial collapse, the supporters of predatory gambling in Massachusetts would probably argue that the bankruptcy of slots actually strengthens the need for slots in Massachusetts. I … [Read more...]
Has Cahill effectively announced that he’s running as an independent?
Having just thrown the state's health care law under the bus, it's hard to imagine that Tim Cahill thinks he can win the Democratic nomination for Governor. After all, the concept of universal health coverage is pretty important to … [Read more...]
Bring Back Shannon O’Brien for Treasurer
After reading yet another story about the Friends of Tim Cahill in today's Globe ( ) I am digging through my political button box in search of a Shannon O'Brien for Treasurer pin. It is hard to believe … [Read more...]
Tim Cahill is shocked! shocked! to discover gambling in these establishments!
WBZ reports that lots of bars in Massachusetts have gambling machines that are being run like mini-casinos, cash payouts and all. WBZ's I-Team followed around undercover agents working out of the Treasurer's office (grainy video … [Read more...]
Tim Cahill Proposes Equivalent of Crack Houses to Raise State Revenue
United Press International, quoting an extensive story on the front page of today's Boston Globe, summarizes the reality behind Tim Cahill's -- and, it must be admitted, the governor's -- illusion that slot machines (whether in parlors or … [Read more...]