[I received this information via a Special Education listserv in which I participate, as I am also active in the field of Special Education. This information is critical for teachers, social workers, police, parents, and others. … [Read more...]
Remember the “Adoption Parties” and the legal orphans? Here is something YOU can do to help.
The Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange - MARE for short - is a nonprofit that works to try and find adoptive parents for kids who have been freed for adoption. "Freed for adoption" means that their parent's rights were … [Read more...]
Helping kids – and saving big $$$ at the same time – with POLL!
Using this approach: From 2002 to 2009, for the month of February, Guilford County's rate of children in custody steadily decreased from 573 to 396, a 31 percent decline . This approach would require a change in attitude by our state's … [Read more...]
House budget went online at noon – see link
Here is the link: http://www.mass.gov/legis/10bu... I suggest reading the Executive Summary. Frankly, I am impressed. Despite having a shorter than usual time frame, Rep. Charles Murphy, the new Chairman of the Ways and … [Read more...]
Line items matter – and a little transferability can be a dangerous thing – a case study
Here is a case study. In our state, the Chief Justice for Administration and Management [CJAM] has total control over a line item, 0330-0300 in which there is no itemization, nor any requirement that anything be spent on anything … [Read more...]
What is an “Adoption Party”?
Thanks to the Boston Globe, there is a link where you can view a slice of one and hear participants talk about it: http://www.boston.com/news/loc... Maybe one of the tech types could embed it for me? (Sure! -David) A bunch of would be … [Read more...]
DMH lays off 100 case mgrs in response to having funding cut – lets throw more kids under the bus!
DMH had its funding cut - and laid off 100 case managers, stripping them from 3000 cases and adding those cases to the 350 remaining case managers. Once again, that is "throw the kids and the mentally ill under the bus." There … [Read more...]
Office of the Child Advocate launches website
First, here is the link: http://www.mass.gov/childadvoc... Note that the website has a link where you can file complaints as to poor service or abuses by the Department of Children and Families, or other state agencies and also a link … [Read more...]
Why I did not “celebrate” National Adoption Day on November 21
I will be taking an 18 year old legal orphan out to lunch to congratulate her on good grades. I am no longer paid to represent her, but ... for example she has come to terms emotionally with the fact that her adoptive parents dumped … [Read more...]
“Child-prostitution raids nab over 600” WHERE is the outrage?
Here is the link, you do not have to take my word for it: http://www.boston.com/news/nat... The story was buried on page two. 642 adults were arrested for supporting themselves in style and making money by pimping out children. 47 … [Read more...]