What kind of care: Well, read the transcript at the link. Samples include infected and oozing ears, root canals, enlarged gallbladders ready to explode, abscessed teeth...all done in a fair ground. Who is providing the care? RAM or … [Read more...]
What Is So Hard About Solving the Economic Problem?
1. The federal government will immediately buy all the mortgages that have failed, are failing, or are about to fail, because of crooked mortgage brokers (I typed this expression into Google, and got 49,000 hits - pick one!) who suckered … [Read more...]
DEMOCRAT Party Hypocrisy? Who’da Thunk?
Headlines Today: "Historic Obama Inauguration will cost only $120 million" http://abcnews.go.com/Business... "Obama Spends $120 million on inauguration; America Needs A Big Party" http://foolocracy.com/2008/12/... "Citibank executives … [Read more...]