I've had a chance to look over the ethics bill (text, summary, and history here) released last night from the conference committee, and it is excellent. It has all the provisions mentioned in the summary, and more, with no significant … [Read more...]
We Need A Good Ethics Bill– Call today
(Update from Pam: I just got a call from someone "in the know" who reports, and I believe it, that the ethics bill is close to being finalized, that both the House and Senate are cooperating, and that I will be very happy with the … [Read more...]
Senate Ethics Bill-Good on Campaign Finance, Bad on Ethics
The Globe and Justinian ("Senate President Murray's Best. Move. Ever.") are right that the Senate ethics bill (here's the text and summary) released this morning has laudable campaign finance reforms and the Senate leadership deserves … [Read more...]
How Would the Pending Lobbying Reforms Affect Massachusetts Nonprofits?
From State House News Service PATRICK ETHICS BILL UP FOR A HEARING: The Joint Committee on Administration and Regulatory Oversight will hear testimony on Gov. Patrick’s ethics and lobbying law reform bill. Patrick filed the bill on … [Read more...]
Yes, yes pecan.
As the Examiner notes, in a campaign called "Yes Pecan," Ben and Jerry's will donate its proceeds from the sale of its butter pecan ice cream to Common Cause during the month of January. Additionally, the company will contribute … [Read more...]
Here’s one group that should be disenfranchised.
Barack Obama isn't president-elect-at least not until Monday. On Monday, 538 officials you've probably never heard of will gather at state houses across the country and cast the only ballots that really count in the presidential … [Read more...]
Op-Ed about Low Voter Turnout (targeted to concerned, but not yet active, citizens)
But hey, it's a free country. We should be free to vote or not vote at our leisure. True enough, but here's the kicker: witholding your vote doesn't raise any eyebrows at the State House. No one cares. When the … [Read more...]