One prominent PAC goes by the axiom (and acronym) that Early Money Is Like Yeast -- it makes dough rise. That's why today is an important day to give money to Congressional candidates in NH, VT, RI, and NY: August 23 is the contributions … [Read more...]
As goes Connecticut …
... so goes the nation. Maybe.Even before Ned Lamont's stunning victory over Joe Lieberman, it was pretty clear that Connecticut is one of the major battlefields for control of Congress. Connecticut has three relatively moderate Republican … [Read more...]
Dunkelbarger calls for immediate cease-fire
Someone is standing against the "Give War A Chance" strategy of the Bush Administration in the Middle East: Democrat Phil Dunkelbarger, who is running against US Rep. Steven Lynch in the MA 9th Congressional District:The U.S. should insist … [Read more...]
Incumbent privileges
Now, as absurd as it may seem, this is all legalâ¦up to a point. The âFrankingâ privilege is an old practice whereby the Congressmanâs cost of communicating âofficial businessâ is paid for with tax dollars. The … [Read more...]
Could Steve Lynch get Dunk’d?
An Iraq-war-supporting conservative Democrat faces a primary challenge from a liberal who says the incumbent Dem is a Bush ally who true Democrats should boot out of office. Sounds like Lieberman/Lamont, but as Adam Reilly writes in … [Read more...]
Tilting at windmills
Mike at Marry in Massachusetts sees an interesting connection between the apparently-triumphant Cape Wind and the Federal Marriage Amendment -- receding federalism. In any event, he's got a good rundown of the sequence of events leading to … [Read more...]
DON’T WORRY: Dems are in like Flynn in ’06
"Cheney sees GOP winning midterm elections"With this guy's record, I'm putting kiddo's college fund on BLUE, baby! … [Read more...]
Barney Frank comes around on Cape Wind
Good on ya, Barney! Rep. Frank now says he's all good with Cape Wind:"I think wind power is a good idea. I think it's perfectly reasonable to have it south of Massachusetts," Frank said. He added, "I am for these principles subject to the … [Read more...]
A Few MA Dissenters on “Broadcast Decency”
(Part of my occasional series of posts highlighting Congressional votes where the Massachusetts delegation was interestingly split, or where Massachusetts stood out from the crowd - or, in this case, both.)Last week, the US House passed … [Read more...]
Net neutrality goes to the floor tonight?
Matt's got the story at MyDD:Last night in the Rules Committee, the Markey amendment was put on the floor and the Sensenbrenner-Conyers amendment was not. This was an explicit move by the telecom companies to induce partisanship in … [Read more...]