As I stood for many long, cold hours on street corners encouraging votes for Martha Coakley, I like others endured endless taunting, epithets and "finger" pointing all in the cause of what Brown partisans called "Taking our country back." … [Read more...]
The Flawed Logic of William Kristol
In a recent Washington Post article titled "A Good Time to be a Conservative"; Mr. Kristol made a bold assumption, claiming the "center of gravity" within the Republican Party would shift farther to the right, propelled in that direction by … [Read more...]
Discerning the Meaning of the 2009 Elections
It will be weeks, if not months, before the analysis of 2009's off year election results fade from the forefront of political commentary, particularly among conservatives. While the White House spin machine is content with downplaying the … [Read more...]
The Liberal Reagan in California 1948
conservatives want us to focus on taxes
There is not a single day that goes by when a conservative is not complaining about taxes. This is of course to take our focus away from the real problem, the damage they did to the wallet of the middle class. Regan and his economic … [Read more...]
The Worcester Tea Party is part of a national grassroots movement to protest out of control government spending and interference in the free market. It is a response to the usurpation and subversion of personal freedoms and free … [Read more...]
Four Years Later, Great Ideas Are Going Direct To Voter
However, from my personal perspective, there is one more place where I see a massive difference between now and 2004 and that is the explosion of direct to voter video. Great messaging on behalf of our Presidential Candidate is not just … [Read more...]
Last Nights’ Dress Boy Sticks His Neck Out
Prediction [Jonah Goldberg] "In the next few days, there will be a wave of liberals - Frank Rich comes particularly to mind - who will use WFB's memory to beat up on today's conservatives ..." Whoa! ... Ya think so? Well, … [Read more...]
Top Ten Cloves: Things Overheard At CPAC
10. If you see McCain's mother, walk the other way ... She's giving backhanders to anyone that says they won't be voting for her son 9. What do we do if he does pick Bob Dole for VP? 8. Limbaugh's here ... … [Read more...]
Learning from Niki and the Og
Tag Ends: For the record, the final included three also-ran politicians. The report in the Lowell Sun ranked them at 2%, 1% and about 0%, for independents Patrick Murphy and Kurt Hayes, and Constitution Party Kevin Thompson.On the … [Read more...]