Dianne Wilkerson is, well, Dianne Wilkerson. She's right on a lot of the issues. She's done some good things for her constituents. But her already impressive litany of legal and ethical transgressions is threatening to get … [Read more...]
Republicans Jack E. Robinson and Samiyah Diaz request support from BMG readers
Jack E. Robinson, Republican candidate for the 9th Congressional District seat, and Samiyah Diaz, Republican candidate for the Second Suffolk state Senate seat, have both asked for the support of BMG's readers.Robinson sent a two-page … [Read more...]
Revisting the BMG primary endorsments…
Jack Robinson (R) for Massachusetts 9th?Interestingly, for a while this seemed the most covered of these races here. There has been an interview with Jack, and the candidate has also become a somewhat active poster. Personally, though Steve … [Read more...]
Second Suffolk Senate Status?
The State Secretary gave an interview this morning and stated that he expects a recount in the Second Suffolk Senate contest. Any late word on that? If the results stand, it's a shame that a talented, energetic and obviously … [Read more...]
Sneak Peek At Samiyah Diaz’s Cable TV Ad
Check it out. Is this the first cable TV ad for a state legislative race this year? http://www.samiyah4s...In the interests of continuing disclosure, I remain a Samiyah Diaz supporter and a Sonia Chang Diaz fan. … [Read more...]
Update: Wilkerson Challenge to Nomination Papers Falls Short by 9 Signatures
The Boston Election Commission today completed its review of Dianne Wilkerson's challenge to the lack of certified signatures for nomination. Wilkerson waited until the last day allowed by law to request the review, May 25, and fell … [Read more...]
Wilkerson Misses Dem Primary Ballot Deadline!!
The Boston Election Commission has confirmed that Dianne Wilkerson, who waited until 12 minutes before the deadline to file her nomination papers, has fallen about 30 signatures short of being listed on the Democratic ballot for state … [Read more...]