Video: John Edwards in Portsmouth: Intro (5:22) Elias is a Korean War veteran and he's an active advocate for vet issues. He introduces Elizabeth in this clip and tells us why he's supporting Edwards for President. This clip also contains … [Read more...]
Guerrilla vlogger: Edwards at UNH
Video: Elizabeth Edwards - Durham NH (5:07) Mrs. Edwards is up first and as she introduces her husband she gets a standing ovation for this line: We are well past the time where we need and deserve a good, decent and honest President in … [Read more...]
“Some of the media, frankly, are dealers …
... peddling cynicism by tearing down anything positive and hopeful." -- Deval Patrick, 6/4/06This isn't regarding anything positive or hopeful, but could it be any clearer that Jon Keller has gotten into his own stash?I Hope We … [Read more...]
Faith-Based? Pray for Elizabeth Edwards
As a conservative I am hardly a fan of John Edwards, or his political leanings. But this shouldn't happen to a dog. If you're faith-based, pray for Elizabeth. If you're not, pray anyway. You'd be amazed to whom God will listen!Best,Chuck … [Read more...]