So I thought I was going to have another Jay Inslee story for y’all today, but it turns out that I’m going to have to do more research before we can “come to press” with that one. But that’s OK, because the world’s been busy doing a lot … [Read more...]
On Reincarnation, Or, Was Glenn Beck Just Promoted?
"I've still got a lot to learn about Washington. Why, yesterday, I accidentally spent some of my own money." --Former Senator Fred Thompson, as retold by former Senator Bob Dole OK, so you're News Corp, and you've got a really popular … [Read more...]
The Pathos of Denial
You know as far as being honest about the role of the Koch brothers in Scott Walker's anti-union efforts, it's been more than somewhat amusing to see the elaborate kabuki dance of denial, self delusion and double talk that has emerged on … [Read more...]
We Should Watch Fox News.
Via digby, I found a very no-nonsense discussion of why Wisconsin's governor is trying to bust the unions. Thank you, Fox News, for putting it right out there. I'm having trouble embedding the video, so here's the … [Read more...]
Glenn Beck and His “Caliphate” Upended by the Arab Street
If there's one thing that can be discerned for sure from recent events in the Middle East, it's the upending of Glenn Beck's "Caliphate Conspiracy" and the rendering of that theory and its author to nothing more than a farcical sideshow to … [Read more...]
For the Tea Party’s Joe Miller, Honesty is Not a Principle To Stand On
It's ironic, but when I debate back and forth across today's political divide, the one thing that members of the Tea Party Movement consistently love to point out is that their candidates stand or fall on principles. Thus it is alleged that … [Read more...]
Mislead Enough Already: An Emerging Tea Party Dilemma
Taxes, more than any other issue is what drives the Tea Party movement. Thus those philosophical arguments related to taxation and the resulting size of government constitute the very essence of the rationale for the movement's … [Read more...]
Comedy Central Moves to the Right
I once heard conservative columnist David Brooks refer to a Republican Party political miscalculation as stupidity on stilts. Well, courtesy of the national media, the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico has provided a few … [Read more...]
MSNBC’s Airing the McVeigh Tapes: Sensationalism or Timely Reminder?
On April 19th, on the fifteenth anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing, MSNBC will televise live footage of interviews with Timothy McVeigh, the right wing mastermind of the attack. In light of all the turbulence and controversy … [Read more...]
Discerning the Meaning of the 2009 Elections
It will be weeks, if not months, before the analysis of 2009's off year election results fade from the forefront of political commentary, particularly among conservatives. While the White House spin machine is content with downplaying the … [Read more...]