In mid-October Hillary Clinton was ahead of Donald Trump by 11 points, as of this morning, 11/6/16, most of that lead had dissipated thanks to the latest batch of e-mails, which may have been inappropriately released, many of which may in … [Read more...]
Fox News Turns the Guns on the Far Right
Something happened on the way to the presidential forum in Orlando last week, Roger Ailes the CEO of Fox News decided to change Fox News' ideological course and turn the guns on conservative candidates themselves. Quoting Howard Kurtz, "It … [Read more...]
On Reincarnation, Or, Was Glenn Beck Just Promoted?
"I've still got a lot to learn about Washington. Why, yesterday, I accidentally spent some of my own money." --Former Senator Fred Thompson, as retold by former Senator Bob Dole OK, so you're News Corp, and you've got a really popular … [Read more...]
Roger Ailes Is Slipping … Blows Wildfire Scoop For New Biz Network
The man behind the unfairness and unbalancing completely blew it."You think that uber-newsman Roger Ailes would be on top of his game, especially this week, with the launch of the Faux Business Network. That they would be bellowing and … [Read more...]