"I was U.S. attorney in the Southern district of New York," he said. "So believe me, I know this. In fact, when you throw an immigrant out of the country, it's not a criminal proceeding. It's a civil proceeding."Illegal … [Read more...]
Republican chickenhawks rise again
It's such an amazingly consistent pattern, isn't it? Republicans who talk the tough talk on war and related issues somehow never seemed to walk the walk -- the big exception of course being John McCain, who assuredly did walk the walk … [Read more...]
Hillary moves into a dead heat with McCain and Giuliani
A USA Today poll, Hillary is shown to have moved into a tie with Republican candidates McCain and Giuliani.Zzzzzz. Big deal.Um, the poll was taken in Texas.I'm sure it is a crummy poll in a thousand different ways. But, … [Read more...]
MA GOoPers Endorse Anyone But Mitt
More Massachusetts Republicans are endorsing anybody-but-Mitt for President in 2008.Rudy Giuliani just announced his "Massachusetts Leadership Team".It's comprised of Paul Cellucci, Richard Tisei, Michael Knapik, Bruce Tarr, Brian Lees, … [Read more...]